Voters to resort to surgical strike
The politicians resigning from  primary membership and the party is an
unprecedented model promoted by Goan politicians
IT is clear that there is no allegiance to ethics or to voters nor loyalty
to the  party  In by elections the defectors  have received mandate to
continue and personal  clout has been the factor and that has emboldened
the jumping chickens
The parties too welcome such defectors with avowed aim to stick to
power.The very same people will do a U turn soon.Their personal greed and
ambitions must flourish.Cast  your vote wisely only means for themselves
and parties.If there is no suitable choice  either  abstain ,use NOTA, that
will not have effect
Parties do not consider track record or passion for social commitment or
their educationa,
 experience or ability to discharge  legislative duties.At every election
the thrust is same winability at all costs Hence so called suitable
candidates have no muscle and money power to take them on
The next best thing is to vote for newer faces,  and ensure change of
candidates and parties.This alone drives fears down their spines. The
parties are to be blamed for these anomalies, as disprotionate
developmental budget, schemes are initiated in the constituencies of ruling
party.Hence the lure for power and the development  mantra  is cause of
defections, poaching , as it is crucial election propaganda vehicle.Just
see the flury of carpeting roads just prior to elections  It is Hobson
choice for voters who are also confused with number of candidates and
Vote for a change is the best alternative choice
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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