Fr. Naik
Satan was present even in the Garden of Eden......If some individuals in
India do not even have respect for Gandhi, it is not surprising. Satan has
many agents.....including in the USA...the big ones in recent decades being
President Regan and Donald the Trumpet.    There might even be some Goans
some living in UK who blissfully believe that Catholicism is a white man's
religion.  Mind you one of these Goan individuals even claims that he was
in a Jesuit institution in Mumbai......Perhaps instead of being
enlightened he was thinking of  scheming to be in U the K. What hypocrisy !
! ! ....Perhaps its a sign of insecurity.

In shopping mall .

PS On a related issue ....suddenly during World War 1. The guns were silent
on  BOTH SIDES .....Yes the orgin of SILENT NIGHT available in
every lanuage .....including in Konkoni

On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 9:40 AM Pratapananda Naik, SJ <> wrote:

> “Abide with Me” and Beating Retreat Ceremony”
> There are 26 tunes that will be played at the Beating Retreat this year on
> 29th January 2022, the same as last year but with some changes and with all
> tunes being Indian this time coinciding with 75 years of independence.
> The Indian government's decision from this year to discard a world-famous
> popular hymn “Abide with Me” that has been an annual fixture at the Beating
> Retreat Ceremony at Republic Day celebrations since 1950 has shocked,
> surprised and pained every broadminded patriotic citizen of India.
> The hymn, “Abide with Me”, which is said to be a one of the personal
> favourites of Mahatma Gandhiji, the Father of the Indian nation.
> The hymn’s lyrics were by Henry Francis Lyte (1793 – 1847). He was a
> Scottish poet hymn writer, and an Anglican Pastor. It is a prayer for God
> to stay with the speaker throughout life and in death. It was written by
> Lyte in 1847 as he was dying from tuberculosis. It is most often sung to
> the tune of “Eventide” composed by English organist, church musician, and
> music editor William Henry Monk (1823 -1889) in 1861.
> In the past it was played by military brass bands as the last piece as the
> Beating Retreat Ceremony ends and the retreat buglers bring down the Indian
> flag on the ceremonial celebration.
> The concerned authorities dropped this traditional hymn this year which
> was played as the last musical composition since 1950 by the Indian
> military Brass Bands during the ceremony of Beating Retreat on 29th January
> every year. It signifies a military tradition dating back centuries, when
> troops stopped fighting, sheathed their arms, withdrew from the battlefield
> and returned to their camps at the sounding of the ‘retreat’.
> The reasons for dropping “Abide with Me” are given as “It is a legacy of
> past colonialism”, “Its lyrics are understood by a limited few”, “Phasing
> out tunes handed down from a colonial past and including tunes that have a
> wider and deeper connect with the people of India in on going exercise”,
> “The Centre wanted to include maximum number of Indian tunes and
> consequently, it was decided that only Indian origin tunes will be played
> at this year’s (2022) ceremony on January 2022!!! If one accepts this
> strange logic, then we have countless “legacies of past colonialism”. For
> example, Beating Retreat Ceremony, English language, democracy, political,
> administrative, judicial, military, education, and mass media systems,
> western music and instruments, movies and entertainment industry, western
> dress and cuisine, architecture, railways, airports, airways, allopathy,
> medicines and Medicare, household items, etc. Even the very concept of
> “Republic India” and “Nation” is a past legacy of our colonialism. Are we
> ready to drop all these and use exclusively only those things which
> strictly belong to our tradition and culture? Where and how do we draw a
> line to demarcate to identify this is “Indian” and the rest are “past
> legacy of colonialism”? If all the above mentioned and not mentioned
> foreign origin systems and things are retained as integral parts of our
> heritage, then why a universal song “Abide with Me” is considered as an
> “unwanted legacy of the past”? Who can explain to us the invention of this
> strange and unique “Indian logic”? Day by day our country and its citizens
> are led like a flock of sheep “from Truth to untruth, from Light to
> darkness, and from Life to darkness”!!!
> In spite of the decision of the authorities, the meaningful lyrics of
> “Abide with Me” and its soul touching solemn music, the ripples it creates
> cannot be erased from the hearts and minds of music lovers of India by any
> forces.  It is really sad and a matter of shame that the tradition of India
> since 1950 has been erased by dropping this song which was so close to
> Mahatma Gandhiji’s heart. Promoters of fundamentalism, pseudo nationalism,
> and exclusivism do not care for the culture of true Patriotism.
> The following two videos are of “Abide with Me”. The first one is singing
> with lyrics. The second one is an instrumental music of it played for the
> last time in 2021 at the Beating Retreat Ceremony at Vijay Chowk in New
> Delhi by the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force brass bands in the presence
> of the President of India, Prime Minister and other dignitaries.
> Pratap Naik, SJ
> 25 January 2022

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