I consulted my favorite sorcerer last night on her prediction of who
is going to be Goa’s next Chief Minister.

For someone whom I have known since childhood I must confess frankly
her answers were short and vague.

I had fallen in love with her when I was a child but today I feel
jilted and a case of unrequited love.

I will share with the reader some but not all of what she told me.

As far as the broomstick goes she had this to say. Don’t congratulate
the Chief Minister before but only after the election she warned me.

But note carefully, she would not say the name of Goa’s next Chief Minister.

When the CM is elected you will know why I didn’t and what I meant she
dded in a blood curdling voice.

I did want to press on but then you have to withdraw when you are
interacting with a sorcerer and using not a Mac pro but a broomstick.

Various camps are getting ready to do battle she said but some war
lords are more equal than others. They are forming groups using the
various party flags as window dressing!

In Goan democracy the power is behind the throne.

And the Party Kings are not the parties but party maharajahs: Michael
Lobo, Babush Monserrat, Nilish Cabral to name and a few more.

She spoke in tongues and as her tongue was in my mouth I got
distracted and moved on to uncharted territory.

Finally she said the Chief Minister will be elected with the help of a
local JCB or a central super crane which will lift the chosen one and
place him on a garbage hill for all to see.

We sorcerers may look like the black hole of Calcutta from the other
side was her parting shot but compared to your politicians we are a


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