Voting is sacred right and duty
Parties decide candidates choice,
Voters have absolutely   no voice ,
Candidates are often SSC  pass ,
Highly educated object  to voting  third class .

Candidates need waste resources to spend,
Defect, switch over, Parties will  lend,
Corrupt can splurge   unlimited resources ,
Then resort to recover from all sources,

Assembly is not a theater  to sit and enoy,,
Like  backbenchers in class relax with joy,
Tiatrics at question hour, is  best  show ,
to contribute to legislation ,debates must know..

 Did participate publicly on contentious  issues  that affect?
 Overconcerns on  roads, water, electrivity to create impact,
Presiding, raising toast ,inauguration  best act
Unemployment, rising prices , never  react.

Voters value character integrity ,past  to pick
Unsatisfactory choice  NOTA   option  to tick
Defectors, party hoppers  are enticed   for sure
Recall, suspension, ban on reelection,  cure  ensure.

Politics business,  a lucrative  profession ,  career
qualifications  ,experience  age  are  no barrier
Emoluments ,water   electrivity  travel   etc are tax free
Service for a day   , pensions  can't agree..

Reduce corruption ,  clamour for avarice greed ,
Limitation  of  two terms is the legislative  need
Exploitation, amassing   wealth is the creed
Politics attracts ,lures   hordes of new breed

Power, position, benefits  are enticenent ,lure
Evils associated with political power sees no cure
Democracy continues to flourish  with ignorance
Freedom of speech  ,liberty  ,  religion ,subjects of intolerance

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim


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