Manifestos galore
Every political party in fray promises the moon to  enhance  the degree of
Goa's Paradise.  These charters  or ten commandments are neither backed by
sworn affidavits or oaths to hold them  accountable.Manifestos to be taken
seriously must indicate year wise past schemes projects achieved.Similarly
the parties must declare year wise what will be delivered and how.Schemes,
projects will  have to  be backed  by financial resources and legislative
provisions.Any promises beyond the term of Assembly is hogwash,  lollipops
to be  ignored outright.
The parties which have been ruling in the past  have not adhered to their
manifestos and hence forget about laboured exercise afresh.They cannot be
trusted at face value
AAP  only party so far that has categorically declared that if they fault
on their promises of time bound delivery ,not to vote them again.That is a
fair challenge of accountability with detremination and responsibility and
can be considered
No other party new or old have made such solemn promise

Hence it is wise not be enamoured by  grand manifestos, as none will refer
to them once elections are over and will be confined to archives to be
retrieved  and modified  Does  any VOTER  have a copy to compare?Actions
should speak louder than words.Manifestos are a professional exercise
,hypothetical projections to fool the voters

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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