It's over for now
The hustle  ,bustle , tension and anxieties are over. THE VOTERS  are calm
and at peace.The candidates are speculating  and busy checking statistics.
Their immediate concerns are safety of ballot boxes and sealingthe units.
The media is  busy collecting data to project .voting percentages  and
influence of  female voters. They will focus on bogus voting and violence
and complaints to EC if any .The media will breathe relief as high pitched
election propaganda dead lines  are put  at rest.
The pollsters frantically to feed the voters , candidates  and parties
needs will  work overtime with their prognoses and diagnoses  forecast and
predictions.This is their best monent of glory.
The electronic media will bask on the opportunity to compare and project
The candidates will spend sleepless nights concerned about safety of ballot
boxes and deploy their own watch dogs round the clock.The apprehensions
about electronic machines persists. The voters too  do their own
calculations about winning prospects  of their favourite candidates ad with
high hopes  of their aspirations of personal favours.
Let us  wait and watch the surprises that may be in store.After  all
suspense too is most welcomed

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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