Aires Rodrigues will never get the electoral reforms that he wants or that are 
needed since all the political parties benefit from the current mess and 
therefore will continue to be complicit in it.

Coming to vote count, while all-India elections held simultaneously on a single 
day may present a logistics challenge (though not insurmountable), to do the 
same for 4 states should be easily accomplished no matter the size of one of 
the states like Uttar Pradesh.

The current system of withholding counting until the last day of elections 
somewhere, lends itself to abuse like digital ‘vote box stuffing’. The whole 
system should be above board for people to have faith in it.

Indian crooks including digital wizards are of world standard in case you 
didn’t know and that specially extends to any computer manipulation given the 
time frame of 25 days during which these voting machine and boxes are supposed 
to be under strict security. And as far as physical vote box stuffing and 
‘booth capturing’ is concerned, North India rural gangsters are past masters. 
There is nothing that is sacred in India except perhaps the cow. Certainly not 
voting machines.


> On Feb 15, 2022, at 3:11 PM, Aires Rodrigues <> 
> wrote:
> We need urgent and radical electoral reforms. As Politics is no longer a
> mission but has become a profession, there must be a retirement age
> mandated by law. The law should also prescribe minimum educational
> qualifications for those contesting elections.
> We need to amend the law to ensure that political morality prevails. The
> Anti-defection law came into force in 1985 to deter the endemic political
> defections by legislators who are motivated by the lure of office and
> monetary gains. The intent of the law was to prevent corruption by way of
> horse-trading and to debar defecting MPs and MLAs from holding public
> office for five years and from contesting the next election if they defect.
> Not to defeat the very intent of the law, there is a need to ensure that
> election petitions and more particularly those relating to the Anti-
> Defection law should be decided very expeditiously in a time bound manner
> by an independent authority. It must be ensured that those elected are held
> accountable for their deeds and misdeeds.
> Ethics should always be an integral part of politics and Citizens should
> expect ethical behavior from the political leadership. Lawmakers have a
> fundamental and moral duty to lead by example and must never be law
> breakers or abuse the trust that people have vested in them. Authentic
> leadership can only be practiced through ethical Governance.
> Adv. Aires Rodrigues
> C/G-2, Shopping Complex
> Ribandar Retreat
> Ribandar – Goa – 403006
> Mobile No: 9822684372
> Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012
> Email:
> You can also reach me on
> AiresRodrigues
> Twitter@rodrigues_aires

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