It varies widely. Till grants became availabe at the primary level (albeit
with the "regional languages medium only" proviso), the Catholic Church and
affiliated religious orders were about the only agency running primary
schools outside of the Government-run network. Probably this had to do with
their willingness/ability to invest resources, as much as their vision on
the religious education of young children.

At the (long funded) middle and high school level, there has been a mix of
schools run by a variety of groups -- State, church, profit-making bodies,
industrialists, Hindutva-linked organisations, local politicians and others.
There are statistics maintained by the Education Department on this, though
some of the latter categories are not very obvious.

At the college level, I think the Church has done very little, in a state
where the Jesuits set up their first college in Asia. Don Bosco's has just
entered the field of collegiate education, the Jesuits have nothing, and
Xavier's has long functioned as a traditional college (changing and
expanding recently). Rosary's Navelim is a newer addition, while Carmel's
for Girls has been there since the 'seventies, I think.

But it would still not be proportionate to what could be done...

As far as taxes paid by the public, is it your view that the State shouldn't
fund minority-run education? Or what would be the fair minimum for such
funds to be granted? As far as I know, a large bulk of students attending
Catholic institutions are from outside Catholic families, and do so
voluntarily. FN

On 21/07/07, Sachin Phadte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Fred asks: "Sachin, what level of education are you talking about? Do  you
> consider the government to be Catholic, Hindu, secular
> or  pseudo-secular?"
> What level of education?  I guess the answer would be all.  I hope
> the  data
> is available.

RE the second question.  I guess it would be secular since it is paid  from
> the taxes collected from the citizens.
> Sachin Phadte
Frederick Noronha  Journalist
P: +91-832-2409490 M: +91-9970157402
Yahoo: fredericknoronha Skype: fredericknoronha GTalk: fredericknoronha
784, Sonarbhat, Near Lourdes Convent, Saligao 403511 Goa India
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