Charity is obligation and duty

 Charity is not for show
Publicity for others to know
Donor and recipient both   pleasure get
It is obligation, a duty ,don't  forget

Charity is not somec extra to dispose
 selfdenial   sacrifice  is the purpose
To give away a part you still desire
difference  to recipient  worthy to admire

Offering  money is  often most easy
Give your time, inspite of being busy
Visiting sick in hospital or prison
Charity in action a beautiful reason

Charity is supremec manifested in donating  blood
To rise in  times of natural calamities  and flood
Prevent misuse, almost safe to donate in kind
Beyond Nations, religion, its aid to mankind

Charity towards known  ,attend or feed
Charity must not humiliate  those in need
Organisations ,NGO rise  without publicity greed
volunteering  in person  most appreciated indeed.

Words of comfort  , solace  and advise
Do not ignore  be indifferent or despise
It can touch a wounded  heart, depressed mind
Due to distances, resources and time don't find.

The animals often  display charity towards their kind
The actions at times   disgraceful    in mankind
Charity  is a response towards in distress we care
Are willingly to sacrifice resources to share

Charity is  a bounded  obligatory duty
When everyone  rises to the ocassion,it is a beauty
One tenth of income or any little you  can  spare
Voluntarily  contribute your mite  it's  just and fair

Foundations learnt  that living for self is in vain
Helping others  to live,  you live again
Charity must begin at home they say
No publicity,  fame , honour this way

Words of comfort, solace often provide relief
Resources in kind cash is not best Charity belief
Give your time, donate blood,  praise worthy act .
Charity is obligation  duty , an attitudinal  response to react

Any form of Charity  alleviates  suffering and pain
The gratitude in hearts and minds of recipients remain
Our silent efforts  ,contributions  are never in vain
The pleasure, joy  we derive is compensation and gain

The  gifts bestowed by Divine   with other must share
Accountable for non compliance   beware
Everyone at sometime  will need  Charity in some form
To keep relationships     belief in humanity  warm

Charity best achieved by deed and act
Charity through  means  is  desirable fact
Charity by sharing time  most difficult  way to react
Charity through words is not cheap   requires tact

Nelson Lopes Chinxhinim,

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