.After the break up of  erstwhile Soviet Union, both GERMANY and France
saw futility of NATO,as there was no enemy to be confronted now.Russia had
very specifically  demanded that NATO  will not expand in the region.The
temporary assurances were dishonored  as all the new states of Soviet Union
were covered by protective umbrella of NATO.Ukraine till now is not a
member of NATO  though it has shown inclination and now requested for
membership.Russia has legitimate grievances to be surrounded by hostile  ne
forces that can at some point destabilize its security concerns USA  wanted
to create a new enemy for economic reasons  and spur  demand for sales of
war machines. HENCE  it promoted Ukraine to further its designs
.The reasons adduced d by Russia are in the realm of Speculations.The
points of concerns and disagreement could have  been discussed thread
bare.Instead unilaterally invading   ,bombarding  and massing material  ,
troops  to show its military superiority..
The means irrespective i
Of end  no way justify the end,,.Russia has earned  the ire of
International community with sanctions, boycot  and bans  further freezing
assets.These measures have not cowed down Russia in embarking on
destructive spree Sanctions affect the poor the most.The threat of nuclear
stand off has indicated the brinkmanship of Putin enlarging the conflict to
a dangerous levels.Ukraine is a sovereign country and free to decide its
own course and not dictated by Russia
Germany France are charting out  independent course of action regarding
sanctions.China has made its intentions clear.UNO with its veto powers has
no powers to enforce its will with abstention.
USA is thus manufacturing acommon enemy to further its own ends
Russia with its mitary might has laid a dangerous precedent which
established orders of  safe boundaries and undermining independence of
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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