Your  Message: 1    Dated: Tue, 1 Mar 2022 17:24:13 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Subject: [Goanet] Raise The Bogeyman

Roland thank you for your observations and hitting hard on those who
blatantly peddle their pet and outdated ideas.  Nuclear war is not
something we should be praising.  By quoting directly from the National
Post.the right wing source you have exposed their nefarious tricks. The
ramifications for millions of people all over the world will be deep
poverty, and disease.

The propaganda of the Multinational Oil Companies, not only the US but a
couple of others are vicious. Over the years I have become very aware of
how the Oil  Multinationals operate  ...A decade ago one of them agreed to
finance the hosting of the annual research workshop on Poverty and
development.  They literally took over the conference ...I was disgusted
how they were drawing the wool over both local and central Government.
Since I served as a member of the board of Directors..I was aware of the

 I am very concerned ...our neighbour Uganda will in the near future be
exporting oil through Tanga, Mozambique also has gas. Fortunately the
insurgents are now under control ....we have sizable amounts of gas around
our coast and a few other minerals. So I am very conscious of what is
happening in USSR and its Federated States

"Russian President Vladimir Putin has made two major miscalculations: he
underestimated the courage and resolve of the Ukrainian people, as well as
the willingness of western countries to punish Russia, even if it harms
their own economies," writes Diane Francis.

"The Canadian government must do more than lend money and divert a few
weapons intended for Kurds to Ukraine. This is everyone?s war because it?s
a battle for the very soul of the Ukrainian nation. If Ukraine falls, the
rest of eastern and central Europe could be next."
Note the two remarks:

1.    Canada is merely diverting weapons meant for Kurds, to Ukraine. This
is not much different from what other advanced countries must be doing.
Remember the exporting of vaccines only when their ?use by? date was

2.    Sorry for being cynical but like George Pinto says ?follow the
money?. If you do that you?ll figure out who profits from such wars.

3      If Ukraine falls, the rest of Central and Eastern Europe could be

Not satisfied with the Domino Theory that started the long Vietnam war and
turned out to be the Big Bogeyman and therefore the Big Lie that resulted
in thousands of deaths, they are now starting to float the ?If Ukraine
Falls blah blah blah.?

Note two other things that are not mentioned in the article.
1. Who is profiting from the war? The oil people. The big petroleum giants
and the dictators in the Gulf Arab world who will use the money to suppress
rebellion in their countries and in other places and further finance
Islamic expansion to western countries. Pump prices will tonight be about
$1.70/litre, an unheard of price.

3.    Except for some piddling support that will be given to Ukraine, this
is a cheap war for the western world, in comparison to what they will reap
from it. Basically they are doing nothing but throwing the little Ukraine
puppy to the wolves by giving it big hopes of NATO, EU and all the goodies
they can throw to it, knowing that the pit bull next door, will not let the
little creature enjoy them.


In Makongo Juu Observatory

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