Indian students abroad

India has prestious IIT,,'s which are not sufficient to cover all aspirants
with merit
There are some private Universities of repute  but the intake is too heavy
for purse  of ordinary poor students
Private colleges are totally business oriented  and the standards,
infrastructure staff requirementate  are compromised
Our students are spread across  many countries, where the stadards  are
much higher and the cost of education  are comparatively  low than un India
.These are brains that also  will be drained in search of greener pastures
after completion of studies
Why cannot we
 have  tie ups with best institutes that our smart students are retained
within the country.?
P.M is crying hoarse in shouting make in India. Why can't he  permit such
prominent institutions tie up to cater to rising demands and those who can
afford without Govt having to subsidise?
Govt too sponsors select  briliant ,promisong number of students to
foreign  universities,
Our private colleges are cornered by politicians  whose aim  is to do
business not  for the love for education
Today we see that thousands of students are studying in Ukraine and parents
are frightened about the safety  of their return
It should have Govt seriously thinking of providing best of facilities to
those who can afford Most of the top politicians  educate their children
abroad and thus certify the standards of Indian  education
People have no faith in  private educational institutes established by
politicians  purely as  business proposals for gains

Nelson lopes   Chinchinim

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