*PRESS NOTE *(March 15, 2022)

*Goa's #1 priority for Ministry portfolio allocation: Employment Generation*

This note is to inform the Press and Media community of Goa that our
association has sent the following letter to the BJP state and national
leaders with suggestions to organize certain key departments towards
successful delivery on Goa’s #1 priority (ie. employment and livelihood
generation) on which the performance of BJP-Goa governments of the last 10
years has been dismal thereby aggravating the sufferings of Goans and
hurting aspirations of Goan youth. Left unattended in BJP-Goa’s upcoming
third term this top-most priority will cost it very dearly on the political
front in the times ahead. Early signs of this are already visible in the
recent election results.

We would much appreciate your kind support to highlight this important
matter through your esteemed publications and channels so that the new
government is compelled to do the right things for Goans to prosper right
here in Goa. Thank you.


Date: 14-March-2022

Subject: *Goa's #1 priority for Ministry portfolio allocation: Employment

Dear state and national leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party,

Congratulations on your performance in the recent Goa Assembly elections.
It is clearly a mandate for governmental stability and locally sustainable
development towards modern employment generation for Goans to prosper in

With the Goa government workforce saturated, new jobs need to come from the
private sector. Our beloved late *Shri Manohar-bhai Parrikar’s dreams *of
reversing Goa’s brain-drain (bit.ly/3t7mNyC) as well as our *visionary
Prime Minister Narendra Modiji’s revolutionary Startup India and Make in
India* initiatives have seen poor progress in Goa over the last 10 years of
your Goa governments. Thousands of unemployed and under-employed Goans,
8000+ young Goans graduating every year and over a lakh of Goans migrated
out in recent decades for employment yearning to return back need *modern,
knowledge-driven, well-paying, green industries such as IT, ITeS, Creative,
Electronics and Manufacturing* in Goa.

Modern employment generation is the “Day One, Priority One” for your new
government! Such a critical matter requires your key ministries to be
organised for efficiency as follows:

1. Employment generation related ministries/departments to be *grouped
together under one minister:* *Industries, Information Technology, and
Skill Development & Entrepreneurship*.

2. Minister chosen for this key portfolio needs to be strong, experienced,
self-driven, open-minded, collaborative, progressive and results-oriented.

3. Avoid other peripheral department(s) in his portfolio to ensure focus
and results.

4. Non-performing past ministers to be excluded from this important role.

5. For maximum acceleration, it would be ideal for the Chief Minister to
lead this key portfolio in mission mode for a year before handing over to
another competent minister.

6. Additionally, the *Education, Science & Technology, and Labour &
Employment* departments must also be held by one such legislator to
facilitate the key portfolio referred in point #1 above.

Scattered organization of these crucial ministries/departments in your Goa
government’s last 2 terms has led to loss of great opportunities for Goa
regarding modern employment generation with egos and power tussles
defeating the greater good.

We hope you consider our above inputs to reverse Goa’s brain-drain ravaging
our beloved homeland since the last few decades and blaze a new trail to a
“Golden Goa”. Assuring you of our full support in this regard as we have
always done since 2012.


Goa IT Professionals



For any clarifications you may reach out to the following Goa IT
Professionals (GITP) Core Team members:

*Gurudev Naik* (President): +91 91672 60039

*Vincent Toscano* (Vice President): +91 97654 10020

*Yash Ganthe* (Vice President): +91 98224 75519

*Amogh Desai* (Secretary): +91 98231 44405


*Goa IT Professionals – GITP *| www.goaitpro.org | goa...@gmail.com

*Important links: About GITP <http://www.goaitpro.org/gitp> | GITP on
Social Network <http://www.goaitpro.org/follow-us/> | GITP Core Team
<http://www.goaitpro.org/our-team> | *Goa Skills Registry - GSR
<http://skills.goaitpro.org/> | Project GEIT

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