Just laws must be enacted by legislatures, passed by Parliament,
adjudicated by lawyers and Judges,implemented by government, and accessible
to the public all without prejudice or favor. This requires that those
entrusted with justice delivery be people of honesty and integrity. Look at
the state of the world today. Nations internally twist and bend laws
depending on status, vested interests, power and wealth. Externally we see
the UNO and ICJ are powerless to regulate the powerful nations. Right now
there is a controversy of the ICJ calling for immediate halt of Russian
invasion of Ukraine wherein the Russian and Chinese judges voted against
and the Indian judge voted for the motion.The MEA had to state that is not
the *Indian position, but the judges individual decision! Powerful
governments do not follow the law in letter and spirit and democracy which
requires strict implementation of the law is diluted and civilization
suffers!* It is inhuman to kill and displace millions of families, disrupt
lives, ruthlessly invade and bomb a weaker nation to submission to impose
your will! Surely justice must prevail!


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