On Sun, Mar 27, 2022, 12:47 AM Nelson Lopes <lopesnelson...@gmail.com>

> What constitutes Goan identity
> A flash back of 450 years of repressive rule of Portuguese did not bend
> the will of the people for unity.That is the identity  that is the idea of
> Goa.Fear and brutality, inquisition, did not deter people against common
> goal for freedom.Religion did  neither divide or unite Goans.They stood as
> one block. It was neither preservation of culture, traditions or customs
> which were not the forces of unity.Languages were not the focus of Goan
> identity.Communal harmony was the hall mark.Kon as a language  was degraded
> as lingua of cooks and butlers and attending Teatro was considered as
> demeaning the status  of attendees.Land again was not considered precious
> to confine boundaries.It is  now sold by land sharks for self
> enrichment.The communal harmony ,social cultural life that , western
> influence had  that is an attraction to outsiders..Goans never bothered to
> selectively  preserve cultural identity   as to merger with motherland and
> for  economic aspects.None wanted  to enforce any specific identity
> associated with majority and minority nor religious denominations
> The common civil code which is praised by India is another valuable factor
> that constitutes idea of Goa.The opinion poll was the first wedge to bring
> into focus religious differences,  but unitedly and side by  side  Goans
> worked to preserve its unique identity  English  was prevalent  but
> Portuguese flourished  as language of elite and for jobs and higher
> education in Goa.Mararhi was widely  used as spoken language and still
> today Marathi circulation outstrips all other languages.  THE demand for
> statehood revived the language wars as state in India  were formed on
> linguistic basis.Naturally Kon was the language that could give exclusive
> identity.Emotional tensions, protests , violence  brewed between Kon and
> Marathi and exploited by politicians to vertically divide an United Goan
> populations. Finally two languages  diluted the identity   states being
> formed on language parameters.The division between Roman  Devanagri  script
> for konkani added fuel to fire.Govt to keep controversy alive funded
> largely the Marathi lobby with spread of Marathi schools and keeping close
> contact with Maharashtra even after opinion poll settled the issue.
> What is the idea of Goa can be best visualized by Goans settled abroad
>  when they unite and celebrate as Goans and not as Hindus and catholics  or
> promote culture of any single community .Goans till now never identified on
> the basis of religion  culture etc  but coexistence as as a community.The
> politicians have further increased  the wedge on religion as now we see
> North and South divided on religion
> TOP functionaries of BJP do not show their presence in the South by any
> special visits
> Inter religious marriages   and discussions try to mend the gulf of
> religious divide Accentuated  by politics of survival
> Kon could be a uniting force  but those who profess their support of Kon
> educate their children in English mediums  and even knowledge of Kon
> relaxed for employment purposes.Unity alone, economic progress  facilities
> for education, employment opportunities, remained idea of Goa
> Special status to put restrictions on limited source of land is a
> regressive demand  today. In many  countries the native population  is in
> minority, but that has not dismissed the idea of national
> identity.Migration emigration is purely fir economic reasons  and not
> create identity between identity
> Goa of the day is home and residential  settlement for all Indians and
> hence will be home to many cultures and traditions.One cannot expect that
> Govt give thrust to promote preserve any specific culture ot
> tradtions.Accept, be tolerant to each other and superiority of any cultural
> practice cannot be focussed to represent Goan idea
> Promotion of way of life without conflicts  or competitions  ,will unify
> all to live in peace and harmony..It is proud privilege that Goa had no
> religious riots and politicians have not been able to engineer one.Avoid
> hatred  indifference or emphasize  superiority of any particular
> culture.Carnival as traditions is a big draw and Goa is entertaining
> capital of India.Tourism promotes Goa, so also cuisine, hospitality that
> makes a Goan idea
> Idea of Goa is live and let live, accepting and respecting all cultures
> and traditions
> Customs like dashra   Sigmo   and those of Rajasthan ,Kerela Guerat Bihar
> etc are enhancing idea of new  Goa .Festivals,   celebrations do not make
> idea of Goa
> When we assimilate other cultures, as Goa has over the centuries western
> lifestyles  that  become our own integral part
> The climate, natural beauty of environment contributes to idea of GoaLet
> us not appropriate it on religion   language, cusine or another factor but
> as unity in diversify
> Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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