Hi Frederick

Just a few quick comments before I get away for a short break.


"Frederick [FN] Noronha" wrote:
If Science is all that accurate and self-cleansing, how come so many horrors
 have been conducted in the name of "Science"? Or is it Doc Helecar's claim
 that when Science does exceesses of any kind, it is not longer "Science"?

CORNEL: To me science is a methodology embracing the key concept of falsification. Scientific theories are always provisional.They are open to testing unlike religious theories for example. Some scientific theories are considerably more rigorous/firm than others. And yes, man has been able to use science for constructive purposes and also for destructive purposes. Scientific theories used in hospitals have saved many lives but scientific theories have also been used for destructive purposes throught the use of horrendous weapons etc.

I don't think anyone has ever claimed that science is totally accurate but it is "self-cleansing" to use your non-scientific terms through the process of falsification. The use of science can't always be successful. Yes, errors have occured in using scientific knowledge of some of the type to which you refer.

I am afraid I have never had difficulty understanding (indeed I have generally been impressed) by what Santosh has to say about science. This may simply be because I have had a substantial academic grounding in the nature of science and this may differentiate me from a layman's understanding of science. Above all, I don't believe Santosh has made excessive claims for science but I will be happy to receive specific examples of where he is supposed to have fallen short and examine such material disinterestedly.

Progression in the scientific field has been too great to put any stop to it. However, ethics have to play a stronger part perhaps in the utilisation of science. The empirical sciences are here to stay but there is always room towards refining this discipline.

Regret I cannot go further for now but I do value the scientific culture strongly in its potential for good. Equally, I'd like to see more invested in reducing its capacity for destruction at all levels. In the final analysis, political decisions have to decide how much science to use and how much not to use.
PS Science did nor create the atom bomb. Man did it through the use of available scientific knowledge. Science has no life of its own!

 On 20/07/07, Santosh Helekar wrote:

 The idea that any science is not a science because it
 is empirical i.e. based on objective observational
 evidence, is laughable. Indeed, it is the dependence
 on evidence for confirmation or falsification of
 scientific hypotheses that makes science powerful and
 of practical significance. The technological
 achievements of all natural sciences can be attributed
in large part to the fact that they are empirical.
    • ... Edward Verdes
      • ... Santosh Helekar
        • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
      • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया
        • ... Carvalho
          • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोंया

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