April 1

Sheer inertia, that's all. I'm a fool for indulging it. That's why I have
not sent out my last several math columns, going back to early February I
think! I'll make amends. Let me start, though, with the column that aired
today (April 1). Only online, not in the paper (there's a story there that
I will gladly tell anyone who asks).

Stokes takes Iyer to the fray,

Thoughts welcome!



Stokes takes Iyer to the fray

Spend a few moments thinking about the way things move through the air.
Because ... well, why not? Think of a plane, a cricket ball, a burst of
water from a hose, a feather, whatever. Each one moves quite differently,
you'll agree. The feather is more susceptible to air currents than the
cricket ball. The plane relies on certain laws of physics to rise off the
ground and stay in the air; other laws of physics dictate how the water
disperses into drops. Of course laws of physics also explain the behaviour
of the cricket ball and the feather.

What's the point here? Well, just that there are physical laws that govern
all these motions and we can learn about them, even if they don't all seem
straightforward or intuitive. For example, a cricket ball can drift or
swing in the air, depending on how the bowler delivers it. What explains
that motion? What gives a plane that lift into the air? How does the water
break up into drops and how does each drop move?

In fact, the motion of fluids - water, or a gas - through the air is very
far from intuitive. Bowl a cricket ball and you can be pretty sure where it
will land - that's the foundation on which umpire referral techniques like
Hawkeye work. But throw some water into the air, or stand atop a waterfall,
and it's near impossible to predict with similar accuracy where the water
will land - or really, where all the drops will land.

But there is a law that governs this motion of water. Actually, it is a
system of equations and it's about much more than water. The Navier-Stokes
equations - partial differential equations all - describe how a fluid moves
through space, though our understanding here has limits. Solving the
Navier-Stokes equations for specific cases of fluid flow often involves
turbulence, which is chaotic and unpredictable. This makes it hard to
design equipment for fluid flow. In a given situation, it is impossible to
prove that fluid will flow without turbulence, and just as impossible to
prove the opposite, that it will always be turbulent.

Which is why solving the Navier-Stokes equations is one of the great
unsolved problems in mathematics. So much so that in 2000, the Clay
Mathematics Institute listed it as one of its seven "Millenium Prize"
problems, offering a million dollars each for solutions.

The Clay Institute listing is this sentence of mathematics-speak:

"In three space dimensions and time, given an initial velocity field, there
exists a vector velocity and a scalar pressure field, which are both smooth
and globally defined, that solve the Navier–Stokes equations."

Never mind what that means. The task for mathematicians seeking to win that
million dollars is to either prove or disprove this statement. Many have
worked on Navier-Stokes, but without luck.

Until now.

A mathematician called Benjamin Stokes grew up thinking idly that with his
name, he should be the one to solve the Navier-Stokes problem and win the
million dollars. For years, this was just a nice dream. But as a graduate
student and occasional cricketer at Durham University in England, he began
working on Navier-Stokes more seriously, and eventually made progress
towards a solution.

The exact mathematics involved is way over my head, but let me try to offer
a flavour of what Stokes went through.

His first insight was that there must be a deep connection between
Navier-Stokes and certain "elliptic" curves. The catalyst for this was the
kinds of trajectories cricket balls trace as they fly through the air,
moving from a height to the ground and swinging from side to side. Seen
from any angle, the ball follows not a straight line, but a curve.

Stokes worked for some years on curves like these, using their subtleties
in different ways. Intuitively, he felt this was the path to the
Navier-Stokes holy grail, but he kept running into walls. (Mathematically
speaking.) His colleagues hinted that he should give up his quest. In an
interview, Stokes responded thus: "I've had so many people say stuff to me.
I meet them, have a chat for five minutes and they think they can say what
they like. I used to laugh it off, but now I think 'Why do you think you
can say that to me? You don't know me.'"

In other words, the hints only got Stokes more determined to find his

He had a breakthrough in 2018, while he was actually struggling with an
obscure mathematical artifact known as the Hale-Ali Conjecture. It
addresses so-called "happy" numbers, which are easily found: Take any
number, square each of its digits and add the squares. Do the same with the
result. Repeat. If you arrive at 1, you started with a happy number. (See
my column

Stripped to its essence, the Hale-Ali Conjecture is that happy numbers are
not "natural". Now this is a long-running conundrum, but only in certain
circles. In other circles, the Conjecture has long been considered false.
Whichever it is, Stokes was working with certain happy numbers in 2018 and
almost inevitably, found that he had to deal with Hale-Ali.

This was a significant obstacle to battle and overcome. And when Stokes
thought he was done with Hale-Ali, he came up against a number of
researchers who would not accept his efforts. It was not necessarily that
they believed the Hale-Ali Conjecture, but that according to them, Stokes'
methods were wrong. They amounted to "brute force", some remarked, and
there is no place in mathematics for brute force. Some drew parallels to
the solution to the Four-Colour Map Theorem that was found several years
ago: in the end, the proof rested on several hundred individual cases that
had to be checked by a computer, not by pure human logic. It may have
solved an apparently intractable problem, but many mathematicians thought
that resort to a computer amounted to inelegant brute force.

Still, Stokes eventually was able to show that his methods were not only
justified, but the only ones that worked. And overcoming the Hale-Ali
obstacle in the way he did was a good thing. For it gave him the tools he
needed to make substantial progress towards the larger goal of

He took the final steps over the last couple of years in collaboration with
another PhD student at Durham, Narayanan Venkataratnam Iyer. More recently,
Stokes moved from Durham to the West Indies, so the collaboration with Iyer
thus had to continue long-distance.

Still, that didn't hinder them from getting, finally, to the broad root of
the problem. Stokes worked on his beloved elliptic curves, while Iyer
applied his results to particular kinds of happy numbers. Working together
thus, they were able to find profound links between the early insights into
elliptic curves, the Hale-Ali Conjecture and the phenomenon of happy
numbers. And once those connections were spelled out, the deep connection
Stokes had long suspected - between elliptic curves and the Navier-Stokes
equations - became obvious. At least, mathematically obvious.

Thus it is that today, we have the NV Iyer-Stokes solution to the
Navier-Stokes problem. Just remember, today is April 1.

My book with Joy Ma: "The Deoliwallahs"
Twitter: @DeathEndsFun
Death Ends Fun: http://dcubed.blogspot.com

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