Disobedience and pride are grave transgressions
The catholic faith  had serious and grave transgressions on obedience and
FIRST the Angels fell from grace and incarcerated due to pride and
ambitions,  aspirations to be Godlike
ADAM too was condemned to sufferring as he disobeyed and blamed  the
temptation onv Eve  ,God given companion .
Forgiveness is central pillar of our doctrine  of belief, but repentance
has to be practiced.Obsession cannot be an alibi or weakness for repeated
behaviourval offense
When the  public functionaries defy the authority of ecclesiastical
superiors  It is the hight of condemnable disobedience, that cannot be
ignored or taken lightly.Defying orders of superiors cannot be enforced by
taking recourse to legal means in a religious set up.Patience and
perseverance  has been mistaken for weakness or to avoid public scandal.It
has happened in the past  and precedents continue to be followed.Actions
has also been taken  to show displeasure of  unacceptable, public posturing
undermining the order  of the authorities
It is not only protection of an  individual, however ,senior, experienced
indispensable services might be  but the damage  that has been inflicted on
the establishment ,opponent and community must overide all other
considerations.Defying to interact with superiors  on request and remaining
incommunicado for a long period deliberately has no parallel at all to be
The position and the pulpit cannot be used to denigrate, curse,  opponents
to mental harassment. When an incident involves a new recruit to  spiritual
services,  the verbal harassment and uncharitable humiliating words and
actions are demoralizing acts of unpardonable behaviour are in absolute
poor taste.That a temporary immediate solution has been found to
rehabilitate a junior ,novice  assistant , is no consolation to the
perpetrators  of physical  violence through surrogate  followers. That the
culprit is allowed to continue in office as if all is well without firm
action   is burying head  in sand like the proverbial ostrich
The vertical split of society  is not  an acceptable solution to the laity
Action deemed fit in all fairness  of justice demands change,  if
suspension appears to harsh  a measure due to paucity of replacement.The
authorities in the begining of violent episode engineered by the superior
towards new assistant pales into insignificance by silence and restoring
status quo of the superior  by sacrificing and attaching a scar  against
newly appointed assistant and without decisive inquiry into the genesis of
the incident of physical intimidation  of violence  where in the society
at  large was not in agreement
and demanded  unequivocal change of functionairies.what was the promise of
emissaries the to the reaction of Parishioners?
There are incidents of disobedience  insubordinationthat  have been dealt
with seriously and also mildly  emboldening repeat of behaviour as tolerable
There is no place for disobedience which is the central tennet of our
belief to be flouted with impunity and be forgiven in such a casual
 cavallar manner
The regular transfers due shortly will remedy the situation or defiance
will surface more brazenly citing fixed tenure. The authorities must weigh
the feelings of community as against the disobedience of one  individual to
sacrifice the faith of whole community at large
The predicament of eclessusatixal authorities is understandable  but being
patently unfair to one promotes bias without reasons against the other  and
treated like  a sacrificial lamb to buy short term peace
The practice of demanding and securing or rejecting assistants is a
 practice agreed   by superiors to placate the in charge.The best option is
to not to post hereafter  those who cannot adjust and accommodate with
their subordinates is to be relieved or posted on rhe staff without
authority.Scandals of public physical fights under any alibi of
ignorance,indifferencec  cannot further peaceful Co existence of giving an
example for laity to follow of living together

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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