Joao, bro,  I once attended a 2-day workshop in Boston given by the legendary 
Anthony Robbins (book: ‘Awaken the Giant Within’). 

He usually charges $5000 to attend. I got in free. 
But 6-hr drive from Montreal. Boring on highway ! 

Yea, I bought his 600-page + book, & I read it cover to cover. 

A couple of chapters may still be online on his website for promotion purposes. 
It has the gist of his ideas, also free videos. 

He said one should always repeat the main points of a presentation 3 times, as 
that’s what registers in the brain … it takes 3 times! 
The rest is in one ear & out the other. 
And the KISS formula = keep it simple, stupid ! 💋

That advice also applies to your ‘spouse’, Joao, or ex-spouse.
(Notice I wrote ‘spouse’, meaning it is relevant for both). 

I do not want to get plastered/inundated by an avalanche of messages from angry 
online browsers of the other gender ’unwittingly’ sharing their contact 
e-addresses with me so I can send apologies & explanations😱😷

Joao, ‘paus yeta’ in Goa ! 
Coconut tree leaves plastered on the outside walls ? 
My grandma used to call us & tell us to sit at the dining table, say the grace, 
then say: JOYA ! 

Saiba Bugos! 
I miss that ‘cultural’ word of joy together, so I say it to myself ! 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 4, 2022, at 06:27, Joao Barros-Pereira <> 
> wrote:
> i
> love you
> she
> said again
> you're
> repeating
> yourself
> said
> he
> what does joao want to say?

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