Passion of Christ
Christ is a historical figure.The prophecies, birth, crucifixion
Resurrection are important narratives of his life. OVER 2000 years since
we still display graphic details of his sufferings.It is against the edict
of the Pope and virtually amounts to defiance
In Mangalore crucifixion has long been discontinued. In the west too the
custom tradition has long been abolished. Why in Goa then this tradition
with all its gory details still in vogue?  Christ has triumphantly risen
from the grave  burying therein  passion sufferings  humiliations forever
It is time to celebrate, rejoice  with new hope that  resurrection
assures.There is emphass on glorification of sufferings and Jesus  on the
cross .We know must venerated the risen Lord, and put the ignomious past to
rest.No doubt the future lies in understanding of past with present
70 years ago my friend had the image of risen Lord at his home.It was a
difficult vision then to stomach differing with tradition and custom Many
modern churches sport risen Christ as the main image  and it is indeed
right to change
The repeat of sufferings and graphic display appears to emotionally unite
and bind faithfully blindly.There is also hidden  financial angle to this
simplistic ritual
The simple answer is why the Church does not obey the direction of the
universal Pope.Why rake up the sufferings and vivid memories to revive our
sagging faith and belief Is it Germany  to strengthening of faith.The
reanaction is simply a display  of gory past. Which Christ does not want
to reanact
Then again Pontius Pilate lives side by side by reviving his memory.He
condemned Jesus by washing his hands without any justification, when such a
sentence was reserved exclusively to serious crimes
There is no hint of what  ever happened to Pilate or how he met his end.The
retribution would be just for his unforgiving act to modify the demanding
crowds and safe guard his position of power.
There is much to savour about risen Christ, his promise of assurance to one
hanged along with him and for the rest of humanity believing  in his
heavenly paradise
The risen Christ must be a focus to celebrate and rejoice and his followers
must follow his directions of Pope  to attain the goal and not be shocked
with brutality of his passion and crucifixion anymore

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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