I  was in the USA in UCLA. in 1964 ...nothing turned me more from savage
wars than to see a preteen  Vietnamese girl having  her skin melt by the
chemical heat of a  napalm bomb ..
It is all a matter of selling arms ...something that  President Dwight
Eisenhower had warned against the establishment of <<<the military
industrial complex >>> The speech  lasted less than 10 minutes, and was
delivered on January 17, 1961.   That is  61 years ago.

I want to go further back when Stalin..the dictator and his advisor went on
a spree of killing . One of the people Stalin killed was probably one of
the greatest Russian Scientist called Vavilov. He was a Agriculturalist,
geneticist and inorder to end famines in Russia and in the world came with
the idea of the world hot spot of tyhe main grain. \In Africa he spent time
in Ethopia/Eritrea and would most probably have visited East AFrica.  He
spent time in several European Universities.  Through sheer bad advise he
was sentenced to death. In fact starved to death.  His crime he was a
bourgeois.  Khrushchev over 40 years later declared him a national hero.

You might wonder what has all this to do with the present.  Well you heard
of a fellow called Iddi Amin and the havoc this General caused..not only to
Asians but even to fellow Africans . He took pleasure in seeing humans
being eaten by crocodiles.

The irony is that these types of episodes can take place in any country
...even in Tanzania. Fortunately the Almighty spared us from  a dictator,
During  the few years of the rule of the Fifth President we lost more
reporters and even an attempted assissination  of a leading member of the
opposition.  There are telltale signs when things do not seem quite right.
We were lucky in Tanzania ....we had Divine Intervention. We followed the
constitution .after the death of the Fifth President  the Vice President
succeeded so Tanzania has a Lady President.. She categorically told the
people that <<<God gave both men and women brains. I will use Mine>>>>But
that alone is not enough.  Universities, other institutions and citizens
can and participate, It could make a difference. ,,,
In a shopping  Mall

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