In the interest of communal harmony someone wrote the above but
unfortunately did not include our Muslim brothers and sisters!

Why Muslims?

Yes, Muslims and tribals too have to be included if Goa’s iconic
communal reputation is going to have form and content and is not
simply a large balloon advertising a feku product.

If Muslims are invaders so are the Portuguese. All three will be
saints not having their roots in Goan soil unlike the tribal saints.
No problem. We cannot change the past.

Muslims are no johnny-come-lately as they were here in Goa prior to
the Portuguese.

We need to provide democratic rights to our saints.

They are dead which is a requirement but we are not - and to show
respect to all of them they should stand on an equal pedestal.

If we do this then no one - no one can say our communal harmony is
plastic and fake!

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