May 20

I'm still puzzling over why a remark about life expectancies brought up a
long ago memory of restringing tennis racquets. Maybe you'll be able to
explain that to me. But more seriously, I've been trying to understand what
connects a country's population, its life expectancy, and the number of
deaths it sees in a year. At first glance there's a straightforward link
that threads them together - except that it doesn't, or not quite.

It's one of those mathematical/statistical challenges that I love musing
over. I've been musing since I started writing this article and I expect to
keep musing for a while more. Muse with me, won't you? Or if you think this
is simple stuff, write and tell me.

Life expectancies and tennis racquets,


PS: And ok, am I just clutching at straws for the connection to tennis?


Life expectancies and tennis racquets

When I was so much younger than today, I played tennis more regularly than
I do today. And we amateur players heard of a simple formula that seemed
very reasonable. Re-string your tennis racquet, it went, as many times in a
year as you play in a week.

It made sense and was easy to remember. Those days, I played at least four
times a week, so I'd restring four times a year, or about every three
months. If I played more often, the restringing happened more often. When
my playing slacked off - as it has in recent years - so did the
restringing. It wasn't that I kept track of these things. I didn't need to.
The more often I played, the quicker the strings got noticeably less taut.

Sometime then, while a bunch of friends and I were playing and enjoying the
game, we heard of a new formula - "the current wisdom", said the guy who
regularly strung my racquet. I don't now recall the new formula, though it
wasn't as easy and intuitive as the old one.

But whatever it was and however often you played, it suggested more
frequent stringing than the old one did. Which figured, because the new
formula was concocted by the Professional Racquet Stringers' Association or
some such. Naturally it was in such an Association's interest that we
string our racquets more often.

Now I'm not fully sure why an email message after my last column here got
me thinking about tennis and restringing. Maybe it will be clearer by the
time I finish writing this column. Or maybe not. Who knows.

You will remember that my last column was about questions that India's
announced Covid death toll raises (
I started it by stating that about 10 million Indians die every year, a
number, I wrote, that nobody really contests.

Except ... the next day, there was a message in my Inbox. "I don’t
understand your figure of 10 million Indians dying per year", wrote an
alert reader (you know who you are). "An average human lifetime is maybe
about 70 years, and so, very roughly, about 1 person in 70 should die each
year. If you divide 1.4 billion by 70, you get about 20 million."

The alert reader raises a good point. If this reasoning is not immediately
clear, though, approach it this way.

Consider the  fictional country Freedonia. It is populated by a million
people who sport large moustaches and their life expectancy is just one
year. This makes them grouchy, because as a little reflection will tell
you, all Freedonians alive today will be dead within a year. i.e. Divide
Freedonia's population - one million - by the Freedonian life expectancy -
one year - to get the number of deaths in a year there - one million. You'd
be grouchy too.

Ah, but one day Freedonia totally revamps its health care system and
mandates a better diet for all its people. It takes a while, but
eventually, these measures bear fruit: life expectancy in Freedonia doubles
to two years. Some more reflection will tell you that everyone in Freedonia
will be dead in two years. Half - the ones born a year ago - will die this
year. The other half, the ones born this year - will die next year. Again,
divide the country's population by life expectancy, two years, to get the
annual death toll: 500,000 this year, 500,000 the next.

Freedonia keeps at it, and its life expectancy keeps rising. Gets up to
four, and only 250,000 die each year. Reaches 20, and the country sees
about 50,000 deaths annually. By the time Freedonia has pushed its life
expectancy all the way to 70 years, its population has also exploded to
about 1.4 billion and maybe it's not so fictional any more. It's now
renamed India. Still, the same general rule applies. Divide 1.4 billion by
70 to get the yearly expected death count: 20 million.

Why then is India's announced annual death toll half of that?

Faced with this question, you wonder: is there something wrong with this
rule? It's hard to imagine what, because on the face of it, it is so simple
and intuitive. Well, do other countries' figures follow the rule? Take a
look at a few at random. Remember that these are pre-pandemic figures;
covid death counts skew these in different ways.

Consider Australia: population 26 million, life expectancy 83 years. The
expected annual count of deaths is thus 26m/83, or about 313,000. Actual
count: 161,000, or about half the expected number.

What about Brazil? Population: 213 million, life expectancy 76 years.
Divide 213m by 76 and we expect 2.8m deaths per year. Instead, the number
is 1.66m deaths. Just over half, again.

The USA? Population 330m, life expectancy 77 years. The annual death count
should be 4.29m. Instead, it is about 2.85m.

Or take China, with its population of about 1.41 billion and life
expectancy of 76.91 years. The expected annual death count: 18.33 million.
But the actual number is about 10.24 million.

In all these countries, India among them, the actual count of deaths is
significantly less than the expected count that we calculate from
population and life expectancy. So did I, just by chance, pick the only
five countries in which this is the case? Or is this just normal?

Well, here are the numbers from five more countries at random:

Madagascar: population 27.7m, life expectancy 67.04y, expected annual
deaths 413k - but actual annual deaths are only 160k.

Iceland: 366,000, 82.56y, 4433 - but actually 2275.

Nigeria: 206m, 54.69y, 3.77m - but 2.4m.

Ecuador: 17.6m, 77y, 229K - but 90K.

Laos: 7.3m, 67.92y, 107k - but 46K.

Believe me, this applies across the board. In fact, for the world as a
whole, these are the numbers:

World: 7.6733b, 72.74y, 105.5m - but 57.3m.

All of which leaves two broad questions. This is in some ways an unusual
column for me, because instead of trying to answer them myself, I want to
leave you with those questions too. So here they are:

First, what's going on with all these figures? Is there an explanation for
why annual deaths across the world are much lower than life expectancy
numbers would suggest?

I don't know the answer. Perhaps there is another way to consider this
data, and statisticians or demographers can explain it. Maybe it is an
obvious explanation. Still, for the time being I'm deliberately not
searching for it because I'm trying to explain and understand it myself.
For example, are there reasons for the decline of death rates that are
separate from the increase in life expectancies? Hypothetically, if a
country has a very low life expectancy - if not quite as low as Freedonia's
one year - would this difference be smaller? If a country has a very small
population, would that have any bearing on the difference?

Second, what's the connection, if any, to my experience with my tennis
racquets? For example, is there an analogy between longer life expectancies
and longer intervals between restringing a racquet? Something strikes me as
similar in both situations, but I can't put my finger on exactly what.

Still, it always seems to me that that is the great appeal of mathematics,
whether you're serious about it or just a dabbler. There's charm in those

My book with Joy Ma: "The Deoliwallahs"
Twitter: @DeathEndsFun
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