Thanks v much, Dilip ! 
I am at a coffee shop, Victoria Day weekend. 
Being single, I can do that.

If I were married to an Amcher other half, I assume I would be enjoying 
shakouti & wine at home, & praising the wife’s qualities ‘unselflessly’ for 
later good-will & ‘cuddling’ ! 

They used to teach about ‘conjugal rights’ among married couples, but now 
everything is ‘reciprocal’ & by explicit choices. 
Saying ‘maka zai’ is not enuf ! One has to butter the other half with AMUL for 

Queen Victoria was a big gurl, her consort, Prince Albert was very slender 
built, like a VW, not a Mercedes limo. 

But she loved him to death, in a manner of speaking, a German Prince! 

I do not know your marital status, but I hope u r blessed with Victorian love! 

Dilip, keep writing & keep pushing the envelope challenging the accepted wisdom 
of others. 
- Ivan D. 
Ivan D. Pereira 

> On May 22, 2022, at 14:18, Dilip D'Souza <> wrote:
> May 22
> I used to write political/social commentary columns for years. Came a time
> when I started to feel like I had said all I had to say in that vein -
> really - so I do very little of it now.
> But once in a while I feel there's something that needs saying. Like last
> week, when I watched someone I know and like, the author Amish Tripathi, on
> a TV show. He was asked to comment on the ongoing court battle over the
> Gyanvapi mosque that Hindus claim was built on a demolished temple. I was
> struck by all that Amish said, and not in a good way.
> So here's a response to some of his comments that I wrote for
> Your reflections welcome.
> yours,
> dilip
> ---
> Truth as a disinfectant: Author Amish Tripathi and his platitudes about
> Gyanvapi
> The first time I met the celebrated author Amish, we were sitting outside a
> theatre at the NCPA, looking out at a sprawling temporary bookstore. We
> introduced ourselves. To my continuing regret, I had not heard of him. But
> he had heard of me. "Hey, I love your mathematics columns!" he said. Then
> he ran in among the books, bought one and ran back to me. It was one of
> mine. "Sign it for me!" he said.
> That kind of bloke. In the few times we've met since - including once when
> we missed a flight in Jaipur - he has been unfailingly generous, gracious
> and warm. So when I watched him on a TV programme recently, offering not so
> much the forthright sincerity I know him for, but woolly platitudes
> instead, you can imagine my disappointment.
> The programme was an interview with Sonia Singh of NDTV, focused on the
> ongoing tangle over the Gyanvapi mosque. (
> Amish said plenty, starting with this pithy phrase: "More than faith, this
> is essentially about the truth."
> True enough. In that spirit, then, let me react to a few of the points he
> made.
> First, "where India is different [from] Turkey and other countries", Amish
> said, is that "the majority is dharmic and liberal, they wait patiently,
> sometimes for centuries." This is why, Amish went on, "I could not advocate
> any hatred."
> That's reassuring. But is it really necessary to list the innumerable
> recent cases of hatred and its consequences? Well, maybe it is. Let's try
> just a few.
> Think of Mohammed Akhlaq, slaughtered by his neighbours who suspected that
> he had beef in his home near Dadri on the outskirts of New Delhi in
> September 2015.
> Think of the several young Dalits (lower castes) in Una in Gujarat in July
> 2016. Accusing them of killing cows, a “cow protection group” tied the
> Dalit youths to a car and beat them with sticks, rods and knives.
> Think of Pehlu Khan, lynched by cow vigilantes near Alwar in Rajasthan, in
> April 2017.
> Think of Mohammed Afrazul, whom Shambhulal Regar hacked to death and then
> burned the body in Rajsamand district in Rajasthan in December 2017, solely
> because Afrazul was Muslim. Regar was so proud of this atrocity that he got
> his nephew to film him in action.
> Amish does not advocate any hatred, certainly. Is he doing what he can to
> quench the hatred that burns inside Shambhulal Regar and so many like him?
> This hatred that maims and kills too many Indians?
> Second, it's not just about quenching hatred. Faced with questions about
> incidents like these and what they say about India, Amish says he likes to
> "look at the data." It tells him that "across the entire Indian
> subcontinent, there are only two countries where the proportion of
> minorities as a percentage of the population has actually gone up in the
> last 70 years, and one of them is India."
> That's reassuring too. But I have to wonder: what would Mohammed Ikhlaq
> have felt if, as his neighbours were lynching him, Amish explained to him
> that "the proportion of minorities as a percentage of the population has
> actually gone up"? What if this calm attempt to reassure Ikhlaq included
> Amish's conclusion about this proportionate increase, that it "shows that
> India is actually a decent liberal country"?
> The point: does the data allow us to wave away such savagery? Does it allow
> us to actually celebrate the men accused, for example when Ministers
> garland them (
> or when we wrap them in the national flag when they die (
> What does such celebration say about being decent and liberal?
> A country of 1.4 billion, says Amish, will have "some idiots." No doubt.
> May we judge a country by how we treat those idiots?
> Third, Amish points out that "among our faultlines is also caste
> oppression." But he goes on to say that we speak of it "truthfully" and
> have "made compensation for it" by running "the biggest positive
> discrimination/affirmative action programme in the history of humanity." He
> means, of course, our long-standing policy of reservations, and he's right
> to point to it.
> Yet can Amish really be unaware of the tremendous backlash against
> reservations over many years? There's Rajeev Goswami, who set himself on
> fire in the midst of an enormous protest against reservations. There's the
> constant chatter about how the policy kills "merit". How often have you
> heard stories about students who use reservations being shunned on their
> campuses? How often have you heard people go on about doctors who benefit
> from reservations being incompetent and a threat to life?
> Amish asks: "Hasn't India actually improved in the last 70 years in terms
> of how the caste issue is addressed?" How would a member of our lower
> castes answer that? What would she have to say about caste oppression?
> Finally, let's return to something that Amish says is the "only
> disinfectant": truth. He's absolutely right to call it that. Which is why
> I'm going to list here, randomly selected, just five truths - or possibly,
> the lack thereof - about this country. Understand that this could be a much
> longer list.
> * Indians slaughtered 3000 Indians in Delhi in 1984. Nobody of any
> significance has been punished.
> * Official figures say the pandemic killed about half-a-million Indians.
> This number flies in the face of reason and common sense. Surely we owe our
> covid dead and their families an honest accounting of what they suffered?
> Because there's mounting evidence that the death toll is several times
> larger.
> * Indians slaughtered 1000 Indians in Bombay in 1992-93. Nobody of any
> significance has been punished.
> * Only a few months ago, the government announced that India suddenly has
> more women than men. This is so at odds with our documented reality over
> many years (
> that "truth" is not a word that readily applies here.
> * Indians slaughtered 1000 Indians in Gujarat in 2002. Nobody of any
> significance has been punished.
> "True strength will come," Amish told Sonia Singh, "when we speak the
> truth, when we don't hide things of the past." So correct. So let's pick
> one of those five, then: the slaughter of 1000 Indians in my city, Bombay,
> in 1992-93. Let's stop hiding it and instead speak of it. Let's punish
> those killers right away.
> That would be some disinfectant.
> -- 
> My book with Joy Ma: "The Deoliwallahs"
> Twitter: @DeathEndsFun
> Death Ends Fun:
> -- 
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