RG Performance and vote share on this emotive plank has been beyond
expectations and phenomenal.It has upset many  an apple  cart  and sent the
sephologist  into an analyzing mode
First  time showing without muscle and money power  and a seat to boot in
the Assembly, has put NCP, TMC, SHIV SENA   on a notice of shame and
Most of the Goans are either immigrants, migrants, even highly educated who
seek greener pastures abroad
The truth is that even lowly paid  Govt jobs are on sale and it is a common
Who can cough out  such astronomical  demands. Outsiders are preferred as
they keep their mouth shut in a win win situation .Amother new phenomenon
is ruling legislators want a pie in appointments both monetarily  and  to
keep their seats safe.  The Commissions  for selections  is not without
doubts of being above board.and being influenced to do the obvious
Then reservations is another huddle for aspirants of general category.  One
job in the family and   those on compassionate grounds are far from being
enforced Compulsory knowledge of Konkani has been thrown to winds.Skill
training to fit requirement of labour, subsidies for lical appointments are
observed in breach..The doles for unemployed have been shelved
In what concrete way can RG deliver except emotional appeal and secure
their pound of flesh  In fact RG has helped BJP to ride back to power by
splitting the votes, when people were anxious for change of guard and BJP
was on tenterhooks  about its pospects
Though some states have used this tool to gain political mileage ,it does
not meet the judicial scrutiny of constitutional mandate
RG cannot and will never be able to fulfill their avowed promise and at
best be a spoul sport  supported by ruling dispensation to their
advantage.Even extra ordinary leave to create space for employment has not
RG at best trying to get political foothold and seem to have succeeded in a
surprising way for the moment  RG is definitely emboldened to spread its
wings to enter local elections. BEWARE
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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