On 5th July it will be the first death anniversary of that most unfortunate
and horrifying custodial death of a brilliant and caring Jesuit Priest our
late Fr. Stan Swamy. It is high time to revisit the jail rules as it was
absolutely improper to have detained a person like Fr Stan in jail despite
him being over 80. Those that are elderly who have to be kept in detention
could be possibly placed under house arrest or in old age homes where their
age related special needs are taken care of.

Prison ensures social isolation and confinement which can result in
deterioration of mental and physical health through neglect and fear,
especially in the elderly and the vulnerable. Far from achieving the
desired outcome of reformation and the leading of law abiding and useful
lives in prison as well as when they are released, their time in prison can
be a retrograde step where they suffer ill health and even death. Those
that survive will be more resentful of the prison machinery and society.

Prisons should only be used to reform and to protect the peace of those on
the street and for providing a sanction against very serious wrongdoing.
The detention of people over the age of 80 in poorly kept prisons suffering
frailty or other illness is a sad reflection on society and a failure to
deal with people humanely. It can also be a waste of taxpayers’ money.
Their reform and health must be cared for and addressed in a different and
special way.

Almost everyone over 80 is grappling with serious health issues so the
jails are not conducive for such aged people. Elderly persons admitted to
jails require a different sort of health care. Concerns about the health
status of older inmates and their chronic health issues has to be addressed
in a special way and the inability of most jails to accommodate their
special needs cannot be just overlooked.

Prisons have a duty of care towards all prisoners and must take all
reasonable steps to keep them safe while in custody. The prison has a
responsibility to ensure the safety of prisoners – which includes
protecting those at special risk of injury or who are vulnerable. The
prison system must never be inherently unjust and inhumane. The elderly if
they are lucky to be back on the streets, will emerge as severely ill and
demoralized human beings staring at tragedy through lack of care. This
cannot be a true reflection of a caring and progressive society.

We should take heed of the wise words of Christopher Zoukis, a leading
voice on criminal justice reform in America and author of many books on
prison life, when he said ‘If we treat prisoners like animals, the whole
time they are locked up, that’s what we will get when they are back on the
streets. – wild, dangerous animals.’

In the case of Fr Stan Swamy, the Courts should have taken Suo Motu
cognizance, but the Judiciary failed by not rising to the occasion. Fr Stan
may be physically gone but his life and works for the community specially
the marginalised will inspire us for a long time to come. Let’s hope that
his death will trigger a much needed reform to the prison system and the
welfare of our elderly. A true tribute for his great Soul would be that we
as conscious citizens do not allow social activism to fade away in us being
cowed by the Powers to be.
Adv. Aires Rodrigues

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com

You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



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