July 8 2022

There's always things to marvel at about the universe we occupy. That's not
saying very much, I know. But even so, I'm filled with wonder at the sheer
mayhem that's unfolding nearly anywhere you look in the sky. Mayhem,
because by any measure you choose - distance, speed, temperature,
luminosity, size - what you find is almost unimaginable by earthly
standards we're used to.

So with a certain pulsar in a certain supernova. It's moving. You cannot
hope to see it moving, but it is. My Mint math column tries to explain: And
yet it moves, and how!

Comments always welcome!


PS: Two musical references (at least), and where's the title paraphrased


And yet it moves, and how!

Over in a certain corner of the universe, there's a happy noise. Well all
right, it happened many years ago. Also, I'm not sure it was happy, and I
can't confirm it was even heard at all. But if it was heard, it must have
been very loud. When a large star starts running out of material to burn,
it can suddenly collapse and explode. This explosion is called a supernova.
So this is about a supernova named G292.0+1.8.

Here on Earth, we've often observed supernovas. Perhaps there's suddenly a
bright star where we detected none before. Perhaps a star that's forever
been just another nondescript point of light suddenly outshines every other
nearby. One such appeared in February 1987 and is known as SN 1987A. Of
course, the explosion itself didn't actually happen in 1987. This collapsed
star was in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a sister galaxy to our Milky Way -
and the LMC is 168,000 light years away. So the star actually exploded that
many years ago, a while before you were born. It's just that the light from
that explosion in about 166,000 BCE reached us on Earth in early 1987.
That's how far away the star was.

One thing that supernova explosions can produce, perhaps
counterintuitively, are other, smaller stars called pulsars. These objects
rotate at remarkable speeds, which means their brightness varies rapidly
but regularly. (Why they rotate, another time.) Their brightness "pulses",
and thus the name. This is what happened with supernova G292.0+1.8. Along
with all the other debris the explosion expelled, it also sent a pulsar
flying through space.

A digression here. Let's say you're standing at your window and looking at
a short stretch of the nearby road, stopwatch conveniently at hand. Give
the scene some numbers: the road is 100m from you, and the stretch is 20m
long. As you watch, a car appears at the right end of the stretch of road
and you hit the button on your stopwatch. Exactly four seconds later, the
car disappears to the left. How fast was the car travelling? That's easy:
Four seconds for 20m, that's 5m/s, which translates to 18kmph.

One more thing about this thought experiment: if you didn't know, how might
you calculate that the stretch is 20m long? Here's one way. Point a finger
at the right end, then swivel it till it points at the left end. Measure
the angle through which the finger swivels. Given that and the 100m
distance to the road, some elementary trigonometry lets you calculate the
length of the visible stretch of road. In this case, the angle would be
just over 11 degrees.

The point of this digression is to put in your mind the question that
astronomers naturally ask about the pulsar that G292.0+1.8 kicked out: how
fast is it moving?

Though there's a more basic question: how do we even know the pulsar is
moving? In the case of the car, you actually see it move. Not so easy with
objects out in the cosmos. Think of any stars at all - the ones in the
beloved constellation Orion, known in India as Shikari or Kalpurush, for
example. As far as humans can see with our naked eyes, none of them have
moved for millennia. Yet we know they are constantly moving, because we
have instruments that can detect or deduce movement in different ways. But
the stars are so distant that without instruments, we'll never notice their

So with the pulsar in G292.0+1.8. If you could see it in the sky - which
you can't - you might stare at it for hours, weeks and years on end, and
you would not detect it moving. So we have telescopes like NASA's Chandra
X-Ray Observatory, which was launched into orbit around the earth in 1999.
It is designed specifically to observe, among other objects, exploded
stars. Chandra produced an image of G292.0+1.8 in 2006, and then again in
2016. Comparing both, astronomers found that a particular dot of light had,
just like the car above, moved.

How far had it moved? Well, if you did the same finger pointing exercise
spelled out above, your finger would have traced out an angle of ... wait
for it ... 0.00006 degrees. An inadvertent twitch of your finger would be
far larger. You certainly have no way to measure such an angle. Yet Chandra
had detected a movement that minuscule.

Though "minuscule" is hardly the word for this pulsar's actual movement.
G292.0+1.8 is about 20,000 light years from us. Exactly like we can use 11
degrees and 100m to work out the 20m length of that stretch of road, we can
use 0.00006 degrees and 20,000 light years to work out how far the pulsar
travelled in ten years. Some fairly easy calculation tells us: about 190
billion km.

Take a moment to comprehend that number. It's gargantuan. It's well over a
thousand times the distance between the sun and our earth. Gargantuan or
not, we can now calculate how fast the pulsar is moving. It took ten years
to cover those 190 billion km. That is a speed of ... wait for it ... over
two million kmph.

Compare to the car that trundled past at 18kmph.

Scientists calculate that had we humans been able to observe the explosion
of G292.0+1.8, that would have been 2000 years ago. (Which means the
explosion actually happened 22,000 years ago, since G292.0+1.8 is 20,000
light years from us.) That is, this was an explosion so monumental, so
cataclysmic, that the star - the star! - it expelled into space is, 2000
years later, still hurtling along at two million kmph.

Spend a while thinking about that. About tiny angles, vast distances and
unimaginable speeds. A measure of the universe, in that pulsar.

My book with Joy Ma: "The Deoliwallahs"
Twitter: @DeathEndsFun
Death Ends Fun: http://dcubed.blogspot.com

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