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Schedule for Saturday 27th Aug 2022

12:00 AM

Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

12:23 AM

Abundant Life - Marriage - Prof Nicholas D'Souza

12:56 AM

Hymn - Spread the News that Jesus is Risen - Fr Seville Antao OFM(Cap)

1:00 AM

Mass in Konkani for Friday

1:45 AM

Ximpientlim Motiam - Bhag 14 - Rag - Fr Pratap Naik sj

1:53 AM

Song - Nhespak Man - Josephine Dias

2:00 AM

Saibinnichi Ruzai - Sontosache Mister

2:26 AM

Devachem Utor - 1 Raza- Avesvor 20- Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

2:42 AM

Senior Citizens Exercises - 6

3:08 AM

Hymns - Assumpta Convent H.S. Sarzora

3:11 AM

Concert - Fall of Grace YU4C

3:39 AM

Anondbhorit Za- Fr Seville Antao OFM(Cap)

3:42 AM

Abundant Life - Depression - Treatment - Prof Nicholas D'Souza

4:08 AM

Caritas Christi - Vocation Promotion

4:18 AM

Jealousy - Talk by Fr Abraham S.J.

4:39 AM

Short Film - Kurpa Mog - Fr Freddy Lobo

4:43 AM

Prayer - A lifeline to God - Fr Fernando da Costa

5:44 AM

Jezu Mozo Sodvonnar

5:49 AM

Anchea Jivitacho Hetu - Talk by Royle Fernandes

6:16 AM

Povitr Pustokant Devachi Khoxi - Rev Melito D'Costa

6:22 AM

Jezu - Bhakitant ani Itihasant - Talk by Adv. F.E. Noronha

6:49 AM

Our Father - Mundari

6:55 AM

Sokalchem Magnnem - Bhagevont

7:00 AM

Praise and Worship - Magno Menezes - SJVRC

7:30 AM

Morning Prayer - Men and Women Saints

7:36 AM

Devachem Utor - 1 Raza- Avesvor 21- Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

7:46 AM

Tell me a story - Wedding Feast at Cana

8:09 AM

Bhajan - Je Tuje Satya Maniti - Fr Glen D'Silva sfx

8:15 AM

A time to listen to the Voiceless - Sr Flavia Gomes

8:52 AM

Adoration - DCLA 3

9:25 AM

Bhav-bhoinnam sovem - Fr Henry Falcao

10:18 AM

Prayer to St Joseph By Pope Francis (Konkani)

10:20 AM

Poem -Ankvar Marie - Amchi Teacher by Sandhya Fernandes

10:25 AM

Amchi Bhas Amche Borovpi - Brazinho Soares interviewed by Daniel de Souza

10:57 AM

Rosary of St Joseph Vaz

11:20 AM

Intercessions in English

11:27 AM

Angelus - English

11:30 AM

Mass in English followed by Daily Flash

12:15 PM

On the Third Day - Eps 4 - Bio Insecticides for Pest Management - Nelson

12:49 PM

Bhurgeanlem Angonn - Bhag 11

12:51 PM

Consecrated Women in the World - Vocation Promotion

1:03 PM

53rd Mando Festival - Vascochim Abolim - Traditional

1:18 PM

I am the Resurrection and the Life - Talk by Sheela Alvares

1:48 PM

Prayer for the Synod 2023 - Konkani

1:50 PM

Hymns - Mae de Deus H.S. Corjeum

2:00 PM

Fratelli Tutti - A talk by Fr Roger Godinho OP

2:23 PM

You Too Can Be Saint - St. Monica

2:30 PM

Pope's Intentions - Konkani

2:33 PM

Kuznantlim Zogddim Eps 11 - Kodi (Curry) - Meena Goes and Julius Mesquita

2:57 PM

Bhagevont Zuze Vazache mozotin Bhurgeancher Magnnem

3:00 PM

Hymn - Yes, I Shall Arise- Fr Seville Antao OFM(Cap)

3:05 PM

Bhurgeanchem magnnem aplea avoi-bapaik

3:10 PM

Devachem Utor - 1 Raza- Avesvor 22- Vachpi Orlando D'Souza

3:30 PM

Deivik Kaklutichi Magnneam

3:40 PM

Talk on St Monica - Dr Sarita Nazareth

3:55 PM

Magnificat (English)

4:00 PM

Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

4:25 PM

Our Father - Tamil

4:30 PM

Senior Citizens Exercises - COOJ

4:56 PM

Prayer for Vocations

5:00 PM

Saibinnichi Ruzai - Sontosache Mister

5:28 PM

Wisdom Reflections -14 - Rachol Professors

5:56 PM

Aimorechen Magnnem

6:00 PM

Mass in Konknai followed by Jivitacho Prokas

6:45 PM

Tell Me a Story - Eps 77 - Ruth marries Boaz

6:52 PM

Bhokti Lharam- Bhag 20

7:00 PM

The Thesis Sameena Fernandes e Falleiro interviewed by Bambino Dias

7:30 PM

Cardinal Installation Live

9:00 PM

Adoration - Fr. Henry Falcao - SJVSRC Old Goa

9:32 PM

Ratchem Magnem

9:47 PM

Devachea Mogachi Bori Khobor - Talk by Orlando D'Souza

10:12 PM

Holy Spirit Talk by Fr Henry Falcao

11:05 PM

Dr Jorson Fernandes interviwed by Jovito Lopes on effects of coal

11:38 PM

Sustainablee Ripples / Eps 1 - Paddy Cultivation/ Moira, Goa

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