From: Gilbert Lawrence <>
Date: Sat, 24 Sept 2022 at 17:39
Subject: Fw: A Tribute to GEM Diaspora-Pioneers

Attached is "A Tribute to GEM Diaspora-Pioneers.*"*  This article
honors GEM (Goans, East-Indians, and Mangaloreans) pioneers who made
the daring migration out of their Overseas Territory of the Portuguese

Current GEM diaspora has migrated (internally within India or
internationally) once or even twice, while many have been born in their
adopted homeland.  Yet this settlement would not have been possible without
the groundwork being laid by the pioneers mostly in the 19th and early 20th
centuries.   Many of them have passed away, and the recent demise of Queen
Elizabeth II is a sad reminder that many GEMs of her age-cohorts are in

We hope you enjoy reading this aspect of colonial history. We call upon all
GEM diaspora to research the history of their own diaspora-pioneers and
document it for posterity.  To know our history is to recognize our
culture. There is a lot of ‘food for thought.’ Please forward these
articles to your relatives, friends, peers, Indian and Lusitanian chat
sites. Sharing history is sharing our cultural heritage; and the work is
for us, by us. Thank you for allowing us to share this with you.

Hope this essay provides the readers with a framework of their historical
journey.  Doing the homework will prepare one for Shashi Tharoor’s words of
wisdom: “If you do not know where you have been, how do you know where you
seek to go? History belongs in the past, but understanding it is the duty
of the present.”
Philomena and Gilbert Lawrence,
Authors: *Insights into Colonial Goa,*
Published via Amazon in paperback and e-book.
Paperback 8” x 11” is 330 pages Amazon Publisher e-mail link:  Insights
into Colonial Goa <>
The e-book is 635 pages (Kindle Publisher):
Word Count: 197,400.
Bibliography:  86 References

The 330-page book provides details about the “story behind the story” of
certain major events relating to Portugal's Eastern Empire. The
bibliography comprises the titles of 86 books and published papers
examined, studied, and referenced, which makes the book a useful tool for
those interested in Lusitania's colonial history.

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