Oct 3

As it fades into history, I realize I miss the pandemic. Not, let me hasten
to add, for the illness and tension and deaths - but for the enforced
calmness, the minimal traffic, the sometimes brilliant blue skies. (Really!)

And maybe we also heard birds a little more clearly. But even more
intriguingly, there are birds who seem to have changed their songs during
the pandemic. Isn't that a delight? So my Friday Mint column for September
23 was about that.

Take a look. Sing low, sweet sparrow,

Lemme know if you heard the birds too.


PS: Musical reference? (Easy, I would think.)


Sing low, sweet sparrow

A parakeet is screeching outside as I write these very words. I can hear
it. I suspect its parakeet brethren can hear it too. It's certainly an
appropriate stimulus for this column, because I will kick off by exploring
the acoustic adaptation hypothesis (AAH).

The AAH refers to sounds that animals make. In particular, it suggests that
these sounds evolved in response to the habitat the animals occupy; that
they travel better in the animals' own habitats ("local") than in others
("foreign"). This probably makes intuitive sense. After all, a parakeet
chirps to send a message to other parakeets - a possible mate, a competing
male. Obviously, it wants that message to get through. So it adapts the
screech to the surroundings where it lives. Take the same parakeet to an
unfamiliar place - the middle of the Sahara Desert, or inside a loud
factory - and the sound may not transmit as effectively as it does in this
specific Mumbai neighbourhood.

Not so different from us human beings, really. You'd probably be shouting
if you were in a factory, probably not if you were sitting at home with
your family.

Anyway, biologists have tested the AAH with various animal species that are
vocalizers - birds, primates, frogs and others. Many studies support the
hypothesis. But some don't, or at best are only able to provide "partial
concordance" with it.

For example, I recently read two intriguing papers, one about listening to
frogs in Chile, the other about three species of mongoose in Africa. The
frog researchers found that "in northern localities [of their research
area], local calls degraded more than foreign calls, and in southern
localities the opposite was observed." As for the mongooses (mongeese?),
their "habitat type strongly affected sound transmission, [but]
vocalizations did not always transmit best in their native habitat."

But if there's only partial support for the AAH in both cases, there's
evidence that these animals can - as the mongoose scientists observed -
"adjust their vocal behaviour to compensate for environmental constraints
on the transmission of their vocalizations."

Which is to say, they'd probably be shouting too, if they were in a
factory. And that has consequences. The University of Tennessee biologist
Elizabeth Derryberry studied white-crowned sparrows in the San Francisco
Bay Area. Their singing has to be heard over an almost constant barrage of
urban noise - traffic and the like. She found that males, particularly,
reacted with what she termed "urban anger": the noise, she suggested,
"possibly lead[s] to more territorial conflict in urban areas." ("Urban
sparrows respond to a sexually selected trait with increased aggression in
noise", Elizabeth Derryberry et al, Nature, 14 May 2018,

What if a noisy environment suddenly goes quiet? Well, we've all just lived
through pretty much exactly such an experience. The world over, the
Coronavirus pandemic put a halt to human activity in ways few of us had
ever experienced. It turned our cities far more silent than they usually
are - for months, and to an extent that we almost came to see that relative
silence as a new normal.

Is there evidence that urban animals changed their vocalizations as a
result of this dramatic change, this new normal?

In fact, there is. During the pandemic, the Bay Area saw road traffic, and
the related noise, drop to levels that were last known 50 years ago. Here
was a readymade laboratory for scientists to see if animals' vocalizing
behaviour changed at all. So Derryberry grabbed the chance to study the
white-crowned sparrows' response. ("Singing in a silent spring: Birds
respond to a half-century soundscape reversion during the COVID-19
shutdown", Science, 24 Sep 2020,

These were good birds to work with for this research endeavour. That's
because the frequency of the usual traffic noise is within "a range that
interferes with the highest performance and most effective" sparrow songs.
Remove that interference, and voilĂ ! The frequency and style of the
sparrows' songs changed. Recordings showed that they were suddenly singing
"higher performance" songs - more complex ones, that is - but at noticeably
lower volumes.  Yet even though they were singing less loudly, the far
lower ambient noise level meant their songs were now heard over greater

Softer songs, because the birds no longer had to compete with traffic
noise. More complex songs, because, again, they didn't have to "shout".
Thus they could be more expressive, use a wider range of frequencies, even
ornament their songs with flourishes and trills. Think of how you might
sing if you had to be heard over constant and loud noise - you'd probably
lose a lot of nuance too. And you'd get it back if the noise went away. In
the same way, the sparrows seemed to have got it back too - they were now
singing songs as they probably had before cars and the other trappings of
modernity altered the soundscape.

The interesting thing about this change was that it wasn't gradual at all.
The sparrows "quickly fill[ed] the most effective song space", Derryberry
wrote, showing "that behavioural traits can change rapidly in response to
newly favourable conditions." What this suggests is that these birds have a
built-in resistance to man-made changes to the environment, like noise from
traffic. Undo the changes and they seem able to swiftly revert to what must
be instinct, must be a genetic memory of behaviours - in this case, songs.

There's evidence that male sparrows use their songs to defend breeding
territories from aggressive bachelor sparrows. To that end, more complex
songs are more effective. Does this lead to less "urban anger" among
sparrows? That's not clear yet. And with the pandemic winding down, ambient
noise has shot up again. But the sparrows' songs have not returned to their
pre-pandemic forms. Why? That's not clear yet either; perhaps it's just
that sparrows born during the pandemic picked up the more intricate songs
their parents were chirping.

All of which makes me wish I had recorded the parakeets.

My book with Joy Ma: "The Deoliwallahs"
Twitter: @DeathEndsFun
Death Ends Fun: http://dcubed.blogspot.com

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