The only brands once stocked by Indian owned grocery stores. US supermarkets
carried the iconic Sun Brand date and mango made by the Bombay Marine 
LinesParsi concern, J. Poonjiaji Sons.    Sun was deprived of its trade mark 
and I do not understand the reason for that,but the name now glows on jars of 
some very hideous stuff sold by upstarts imitators.    Ferns is a Poona Goan 
family owned maker of snacks and pickles that thrives in India, but vanished in 
the US. They should have adopted a Karma style moniker a la Costas of Margao 
and sales may have thrived.    Atlas Brand baking powder survived in Bombay for 
decades. The were out of Mangalore,the sons very attached to me in school.    
And a memorial to the kindly Mangalore coffee families, the parents of Dr. 
Sydney Fernandeswhose son is now the Bishop of Cincinnati, and the parents of a 
old school friend Godfrey Saldanha.The stores were in the Fort area.      

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