Hola Aloha,

Since I understand that Amitav Ghosh is a part time resident of Goa, I thought 
this interview of his might be of interest. The url of the interview is 
provided, but since Felix Stalder made the effort to nicely edit it for 
nettime, I have c+p-ed it here. I am presently reading his (AG's) novel A Sea 
of Poppies' where the dismal effects of colonialism on land use and tenure were 
already starkly pointed out. An American friend of mine, who's also a fan of AG 
now describes himself as 'Ghoshist', which, at least to French ears, makes for 
big LOL (cf 'gauchiste', ie. leftist)

Cheers, p+7D!

The Colonial Roots of Present Crises.
19 OCTOBER 2022

Looking around at the energy crisis, the drift to the extreme right and the 
mounting climate disasters that the world is facing, the common thread of 
colonial exploitation may not be obvious. On the sidelines of the Ecopolis 
festival, we spoke to acclaimed writer Amitav Ghosh who offered a historical 
perspective on world events from the Pakistan floods to the war in Ukraine and 
the challenges ahead for green and progressive forces.


Green European Journal: This August, Pakistan was hit with floods that left 50 
million people displaced and which killed over 1500 people. It will take months 
for the water to recede. As a south Asian writer who has written intensively on 
climate impacts on the region, what is your perspective on the floods and the 
global response?

Amitav Ghosh: Catastrophes in the Global South barely seem to register, but 
this time it was clear that people were paying attention. Maybe it’s the scale 
of the catastrophe but it did seem to make an impact on people around the 
world. Is it enough? No, I don’t suppose it is. Considering the scale of the 
catastrophe, it should have been front-page news everywhere.

This was a disaster foretold because there were major precursors to this flood, 
in 2010 and 2012. After Antarctica, Pakistan has the most glaciers – over 700. 
Himalayan glaciers are melting at an incredible pace. We’ve also seen the same 
problem with terrifying glacier lake outbursts flooding villages in India.

Pakistan is singularly ill-adapted to coping with a flood like this. Whenever 
we see these climate catastrophes – and it’s true as much of the Global North 
as it is Global South – these events are hugely worsened by historic 
interventions in the landscape. One of the reasons why so many people were 
displaced in these floods is because, going back to colonial times, many nomads 
who moved with the rhythms of the river were forced to settle by river banks. 
To colonial and modern developmental regimes, nomadism of any kind is very 
offensive. They want people to be stable and settled. The areas where these 
communities settled had a very strange land tenure system because the British 
gave out huge chunks of land to Punjabi aristocrats to maintain their support.

It is another example of how historical anthropogenic interventions are greatly 
worsening climate disasters. Many Pakistani spokespeople have been calling for 
reparations and the floods have amplified the calls for loss and damages, but 
let’s see what comes from it.

Green European Journal: In The Nutmeg’s Curse, you use the sci-fi term 
terraforming to describe how empire transformed the world’s terrain. Is the 
degree to colonialism transformed the land and how land is lived and organised 

Amitav Ghosh: Absolutely. The most terraformed part of India is the Punjab, 
where the British built many canals and distributed enormous quantities of 
land. Why? Because they wanted to maintain the support of their Punjabi 
soldiers, the mercenaries on who they depended after the great Indian uprising 
against colonial rule in 1857.

This intensive terraforming was worsened through the interventions of the Green 
Revolution, especially on the Indian side. Now a silent catastrophe is 
unfolding in this part of north India. Since the 1950s, farmers have been 
pumping up fossil water with subsidised electricity. Today the aquifer is 
completely exhausted and the traditional forms of irrigation used before the 
British canals have been neglected. Agriculture will soon become impossible 
within this region

Green European Journal: Mike Davies’s Late Victorian Holocausts describes how 
British imperialism destroyed all the mechanisms and institutions that had long 
existed in south Asia for famine control and water management.

Amitav Ghosh: Indeed. They were destroyed in the service of the ideology of 
free trade. In the past, Indian kings and emperors would prepare for and 
respond to famines with massive state interventions: distributing food, storing 
supplies, and so on. The British, literally while famines were unfolding, would 
refuse to do anything that would interfere with the laws of free trade. 
Charities were prevented from intervening, just as we see now in America where 
people are banned from distributing food to the homeless.

Green European Journal: As we speak, Europe is going through a deep energy 
crisis as the resources that it depends on the rest of the world for are no 
longer easily available because of war and sanctions and because other 
countries want them too. Are the legacies of colonialism and extraction 
backfiring on Western countries?

Amitav Ghosh: The more I look at the world, I see colonial practices which were 
previously inflicted upon populations in the colonised world deployed in the 
home countries. For example, the present British government is again 
subsidising the fossil fuel companies, while making people bear the costs of 
the energy hike. In the United States, there is an uncanny similarity between 
the opioid epidemic and what Britain and the United States did to China in the 
19th century. The Big Pharma companies that began to target vulnerable 
populations in mining and industrial regions are engaging in the same predatory 
practices as the old colonial elites. It is the same logic that deems some 
people disposable. These same populations will bear the burden of climate 
change too. Who will pay for the people displaced by the catastrophic flooding 
in Le Marche this September? It was hardly mentioned in the Italian elections.

In Europe, I see an intensifying rage against the political class. We’ve 
already seen it in France a few years ago with the gilets jaunes movement. By 
the end of this winter, I think you’re going to see popular uprisings of 
various kinds across Europe. Sadly, I think they will manifest themselves in 
ways which feed the radical right.

Green European Journal: The radical right were the main winners in both the 
Swedish and the Italian elections. We’re clearly living through a period of 
crises and uncertainty, but can we draw a connection between the environmental 
crisis itself and the anger that these parties draw upon?

Amitav Ghosh: Absolutely. One of the things that’s striking when you look 
around the world right now is that even with 1.3 degrees of warming, we see 
incredible disruption. Not just in physical or economic systems but in 
political ones too.

Britain has presented itself as a bastion of stability for centuries. Who would 
have thought that Brexit would initiate a profound destabilisation of the 
country in the space of four or five years? What prompted Brexit? Migration, 
and there’s a clear and accelerating connection between migration and climate 
change. Demographically speaking, there may not have been a vast number of 
migrants going to Britain, but it was enough to create a kind of fundamental 
instability. So much so that many of the decisions taken by large numbers of 
British people seem inexplicable. You just can’t place them within a normal 
framework of politics.

The danger of technocracy is that you cannot tap into the general discontent 
with the political class because you are completely identified with the 
political class.

This instability is going to intensify, and it will empower the Right. The Left 
– and here I’m also talking about the Greens – made the decision some time ago 
to move towards a technocratic centre. They started doing all this wonkery and 
addressing policy to establish their credentials as serious politicians and 
administrators. Of course, it’s necessary to be serious about administration 
and governance. But the problem appears when you leave out the political 
impulse. The danger of technocracy is that you cannot tap into the general 
discontent with the political class because you are completely identified with 
the political class.

The Right, on the other hand, has been viscerally political. They create 
symbols and run a nonstop outrage machine enabled by social media. But the Left 
seems to lack imagination and is unable to tap into the energy of young climate 
activists. Are you going to try to persuade people that your wonkery is going 
to solve these issues? Everyone can look around and see that it’s not.

Green European Journal: Green politics can trace its roots back to the 
countercultural movements of the 1960s and 1970s. Do you think that they might 
have swung too far from idealism to pragmatism?

Amitav Ghosh: The movements of the 1960s and ‘70s were trying to address the 
industrial rat race which has built an industrial doom machine. Many of these 
concerns were present in the imagination of the counterculture. Allen Ginsberg, 
for example, one of the great godfathers of the hippy movement, was talking 
about climate change back in the ‘70s. But over time, Green parties put on 
their suits and ties and washed their hands of the counterculture.

Looking back now, it does seem to have been a mistake because they’re not able 
to tap into the energy of the young. I was travelling in Italy recently and 
Extinction Rebellion and Fridays for Future are very strong there. Young people 
turn out in huge numbers, but it does not generate the political clout that it 
should. The ground for visceral, anti-establishment, politics has been seized 
by the Right. It’s such an irony because what the Right is doing, and not just 
in Italy but everywhere – Britain, the US – is using populism to hand 
everything over to the big corporations and billionaires.

Green European Journal: In The Nutmeg’s Curse, you call for a more “vitalist 
politics” that recognises the value of all life on Earth and that stands in 
contrast to an economistic way of looking at the world. In North America and 
other parts of the world, there are indigenous cultures that bring different 
views of life and being and so on. But most European societies are highly 
urbanised and industrial if not post-industrial. Isn’t it much harder to create 
a vitalist politics when its basis, which may have existed for example in 
peasant traditions, has been lost?

Amitav Ghosh: It is true that in Europe there is a complete cleavage between 
the lives people lead and the lives that were tied to the soil even a 
generation ago. You see that most clearly in France. The European Union has 
also encouraged this divorce by pursuing an agricultural policy based on the 
centralisation and industrialisation of agriculture. Incentives were created 
for farmers to take up industrial agriculture, even though it is highly 
unsustainable as we see in the nitrogen crisis in the Netherlands. Small 
farmers who literally eke out a marginal living have no option but to carry on 
down the path of industrial agriculture.

There has been this massive fracturing and people can see that things have gone 
radically wrong in Europe and the wider West. There is a resurgence of 
earth-centred religions and beliefs. A counterculture does exist, it just 
hasn’t achieved critical mass yet. In a time of instant communication, it could 
happen very quickly and take us all by surprise.

Green European Journal: Greta Thunberg’s strikes rippled around the world in a 
matter of weeks and months so there is the potential…

Amitav Ghosh: Whether it will happen one can’t say, but I think it certainly 
could. So far, it almost seems history is conspiring against us. The climate 
movement was gathering momentum throughout 2019 and it crested in 2020. Then, 
the pandemic intervened and forced everybody to get back into their isolated 
little corners. Collective movements became impossible and people were forced 
to retreat into their interior spaces. I think that will be considered a real 
historical catastrophe. It also teaches us that so much of history is actually 
just accidental or contingent. Who knows where the movement could have gone?

An even greater catastrophe is the Ukraine war. Not only has it taken away all 
attention from the climate crisis, but it’s also given the fossil fuel 
industries a new lease of life. In every way, it seems like every faltering 
step we take forward leads to ten steps backwards. If there are historians in 
the future, they’re going to look back on this period as one where accidents 
and contingent factors deepened the crisis at every turn.

Green European Journal: We’re speaking ahead of COP27 which will take place in 
Egypt. Last year in Glasgow, many fine promises were made but now it seems like 
the world is more divided than ever. What is your view on the state of global 
climate politics?

Amitav Ghosh: We mustn’t delude ourselves. When we look at what’s going on in 
the world, we cannot indulge in fantasies. Even before Glasgow, it was 
perfectly clear that global institutions have essentially disintegrated. The 
pandemic had a lot to do with it; the world’s failure to mount a global 
response with systems for distributing vaccines is evidence of the complete 
fracturing of global institutions.

Three of the most important players didn’t turn up for COP 26: Xi Jinping, 
Vladimir Putin and Jair Bolsonaro. Bolsonaro literally thumbed his nose at the 
Glasgow meeting. He was in Italy at the time, he could have gone but he didn’t. 
COP 26 ended up as a sort of parade for the Anglosphere. That’s all it was – a 
show. What was promised doesn’t even come close to rising to the urgency that’s 

What we are really seeing is a massive fracturing of the global order into new 
power blocs. Xi Jinping has withdrawn from climate cooperation with the US. 
China and Russia are two of the biggest players in this whole scenario and how 
do you expect countries that are under severe sanctions to cooperate on other 
issues? It’s just not realistic.

If we had to look for hope then all we can point to right now are the youth 
movements. But we shouldn’t think about this in terms of hope and despair. We 
should think of this in terms of duty and what we have to keep on doing. But 
that doesn’t require us to be blind to the situation as it is.

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