Hola Aloha,

The pb with Rajan Parrikar's 'traditionalist' views, e.g. on national 
governments vs globalist governace - if there is any such thing - is you can 
subsume all of them in the header 'the invention of tradition', with other 
words, many things hold to be of more or less permanent, age old nature turn 
out to have neen, indeed, 'invented' much more recently, nation states, for 
instance, which are not only very 'Western' creations - they are suposed to 
have arisen from the Peace of Westphaly (1648), but have in fact really 
'gelled' only after the First World War. Remember that before that time 
passports existed only for the very privileged classes (my grand father had 
one) and was meant as a  protection for its holder rather than to authorise 
international travel, which anyone could undertake, undocumented, but then 
putting oneself at the mercy of foreign authorities. As far as Goa is 
concerned, under Portuguese rule, it could have been 'overrun' by Angolese, 
Mozambicans, Cabo Verdese, and even Brazilians, plus any number of other 
'nationalities' if it had been an attractive place to be/settle then, as 
apparently it is nowadays.

Ciao Ciao, p+7D!

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