Currently there are 60 CEOs of Fortune 500 companies. Instead of celebrating 
the worldwide rise of Indians in various fields, including the current British 
PM, the usual politics of envy and tribalism trumps any celebration. It is fair 
game to criticize capitalism and the politics is has bred, including PM Sunak's 
rise to 10 Downing Street. It is fair game to assess the racial imbalance and 
racial (in)equality in any society, the discriminations which hold women and 
people of color back, casteism (brown on brown racism), etc. But is it too much 
to ask that the first non-white British PM be celebrated in some small measure 
instead of the hit piece below? I accept the article has elements of truth but 
the usual criticisms of right-wing politics is used by various people quoted in 
the article to attacking the British PM on his incredible accomplishment.

Best regards,


On Sunday, October 30, 2022 at 12:25:23 AM PDT, V M <> wrote:

The elfin 42-year-old is a walking trigger warning. The first UK Prime Minister 
since Disraeli whose ethnic roots lie outside the British Isles, and the 
youngest in 200 years, Rishi Sunak is also an observant Hindu who made his 
first official appearances wearing the distinctive *kautuka* around his wrist. 
It’s impossible to ignore the historical symbolism of someone like him taking 
residence in 10 Downing Street, where Winston Churchill told his India 
Secretary that “I hate Indians. They’re a beastly people, with a beastly 

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