Dr Freddie  ending his  last chapter

A curtain has come down on an illustrious career of the medical
practioner.He was a very popular medical officer at Govt Primary health
centre at Chinchinim.His mild and understanding nature won him patience and
friends.He was approachable to all alike ; no airs or pride and thus
remained a simple, humble person.
I often spend time at his clinic at Chinchinim He was not happy with the
environment  and its surrounding and could not secure  a better premises
.In a goodwill gesture, he met the local practioners and informed them
about his intending plans He was  most sought after for guidance and
treatment of diabetes..As he was not very happy about his practice he then
shifted to Varca, where he was quite content with his flourishing
practice.It was limited to morning session only.In the evenings he was
avaiable to his neighbours and close friends
I first met him in connection with concessions  for senior citizens with
Govt cards.His response was very encouraging.Once again we shared company
on the felicitation  of Sir Dcruz .His wife was an educator at GAHS
Curchorem where Sir Dcruz taught and joined enthusiastically  in
instituting an award in his honour IN the school  for Science at SSC of
On several ocassions  I met  him at his Sirlim residence and exchanged
pleasantries.He seemed to be hale and hearty and not the one to complain
and seek attention
A warm and friendly person to be associated with.His patients speak highly
about his concerns for them
His actions and behaviour as a humane doctor will reverberate  for long.He
has earned a niche in the hearts and minds of his grateful patients.He
lived a purposeful life as a medical practtioner and as a social worker.His
practice after retirement  was service  not for financial gains as it is to
my knowledge that he waived off fees in many a deserving cases
Long live Dr FREDDIE  he will be truelly  missed

NELSON LOPES Chinchinim ,

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