GEM (Goan, East-Indian, Mangalorean) Sailors

The attached is an account of GEM sailors, one of the first groups to leave 
Konkan and Kanara region and challenge the high seas (Indian and Atlantic 
Oceans) perhaps for the first time in history. We hope you enjoy reading this 
aspect of colonial history.  To know our history isto recognize our culture. 
There is a lot of ‘food for thought.’ Please forwardthe article to your 
relatives, friends, peers, Indian and Lusitanian chatsites. Sharing history is 
sharing our cultural heritage; and the work is forus, by us. Thank you for 
allowing us to share this with you.
Hope this essay provides the readers with a framework of theirhistorical 
journey.  Doing the homework will prepare onefor Shashi Tharoor’s words of 
wisdom: “If you do not know where you havebeen, how do you know where you seek 
to go? History belongs in the past, butunderstanding it is the duty of the 

Philomena and GilbertLawrence,

Authors: Insightsinto Colonial Goa,

Published by Amazon in paperback and e-book. 

The 330-page book provides details about the “story behind thestory” of certain 
major events relating to Portugal's Eastern Empire. Thebibliography comprises 
the titles of 86 books and published papers examined,studied, and referenced, 
which makes the book a useful tool for thoseinterested in Lusitania's colonial 


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