Requiem for bypass at Dandeavado?

The residents of Dandeavado  put complete Trust and confidence to get the
issue resolved .
It was unwise to put all eggs in one basket , as the saying goes.After
their centuries old habitats were   destroyed  by acquisition  for a
pittance of Rs 13m2 and Rs800 for constructions  they are now in  for a
rude shock for further damage due to proposed flyover  of 6 lanes  The
residents were  deceived and taken for a royal ride by holding meetings,
demonstrations * support of Panchayat with PWD, NH authorities ,Collector.
,CM consultants through sending representations ,creating awareness by wide
publicity  for over 10 years.There was never any serious attempt to get the
surveyed bypass incorporated into the plan.On the other hand
there were motivated instigations  through unconnected   villagers  to
raise objections  without any valid reasons. It is learnt from highest
authorities that people representative never  showed interest  to feather
his own nest and protect his turf.All these years the NH authorities simply
deceived us  by stating that the route at Dandeavado is not finalised and
under considerations abd that was a lie
The meeting arranged by present MLA for the first time disclosed  on
vociferous demands   and to our great surprise , provision of flyover
The  finalised route long ago was  deliberately concealed under
instructions  .
A chance meeting with Margao MLA opened up the Pandora box of finalisation.
Digambar stated that it may be  too late at this stage
The representative  was cunningly, treacherously  bent upon to displace the
residents once again  on the stretch for personal selfish
considerations.and for supporting him for umpteen terms
The curses of residents surely are bound to haunt  for a lifetime

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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