A year ends and a new one  beguins

At the end of the year we  recount all the blessings and the greatest of
all is  that you are lucky among so many friends to be alive.There  were
sure unconfortable moments, and points of irritations .You have overcome
all the obstacles  to march forward on your journey of life. The events
that unfolded,  filled you with joy  that are more numerous than others.
Friends , relatives have played their role in the events of happiness and
Accepting life as it unfolds is a challenge  that demands strength '
convictions, hope and faith in our destiny. You may  have cried and
laughed.  smiled and frowned .Since you were satisfied without avarice for
more  you have matured like wine worthy of  praise and admirations that you
can proudly boast anout , if not loudly.  It is true that many a project
remained incomplete inspite of best efforts  but most of them are.  There
were occassions for merriment and moments ofsadness.Life is indeed a
mixture of both .No hopes for  brighter future are ever  lost even in the
worst of  circumstances.Nothing lasts forever.There is always a rotation ,
a cycle  between good and bad,  as sure as night follows  the day . Anxious
monents of illhealth passed restoring good health  .The level of tolerance
and adjustment always makes a difference.You may have  lost some but gained
some too.A positive attitude adds jest to life.Life they say depends on
liver pun not withstanding
The new year is but a continuum of a period  without a break.  Resolutions
must be made everyday when needed and faithfully observed to change our
life for better.It is fallacy to lay our misfortunes at the doors of luck
and destiny The attitude of satisfaction  creates heaven within
 DESTINY is what we make and not the other way. Hope for a better tomorrow
is everyone wish that keeps us going.What lies ahead is beyond our realm of
imagination  Remember  not to kill yourself before time. Also do not live
without a purpose  however insignificant it may be to others. AND when the
times comes it is beyond our means to stop the events that follow. How
often we say God knows , hence faith in Divine and  is
 a soothing balm to all  uncertaintities of life
Live today as if it is the last day  for tomorrow may never come.The new
year is a moment to rejoice, thank and hope for better.  May our dreams for
future come true  and God grant us grace to accept what is unbearable at
times  Who knows whether the year or we will last  Rejoice over the smiles
we brought on the face of others past year
 Happy new year
Nelson Lopes

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