My cross is lighter

Jesus says  take up your cross and follow me.It Is a universal fact that
everyone has to bear the burden however light and move through the journey
of life to the grave with   the burden of cross they are saddled with
We are inclined to think that the weight of our cross is the heaviest in
comparison to others. The man in a fable complained  not being able to own
shoes, untill  he noticed to his dismay one withouf feet..Often we grumble
, mourn and complain as to why we  are destined to be subjected to pain and
agony..How true the quote "no rose is without a thorn"
In life ,the wife may a thorn to the husband and vice versa.Children are a
nuisance to parents and the opposite is  also true.Parents repent for being
childless  but others curse  heavens to have disgraceful ofsprings
Many a parent are confined to old age homes, dispossessed of their
legitimate rights and forced to live a life of destitute and homeless.
People have all the luxuries in life but I'll health deprives them of peace
and joy..Some parents are even  murdered for their wealth by their own
children.Infidelity is a curse that destroys happy unions. Some lament for
not being married , others cry for being divorced , abandoned for another.
Wonder who in life on this earth is free from misfortunes ,troubles  and
pains.In every house there is a  loss of a member either young ,old  or
just born
It is futile exercise  at self flagelation or entertaining guilt complex
that our cross is due to sins of the past ancestors  or are being under the
spell of a  curse or paying the debt of retribution . Our own mind and
conscience will punish us for being on a wrong path. The wisdom, belief  in
retribution may provide a balm of solace but a fallacy rather then truth
for non believers People ask why should we inherit the punishment for sins
by our ancestors?  .The  wrong doers seem to have hay day  and everything
is  just fine.It is often a camouflage.disguise of a storm brewing
  In   the belief of retribution    there is no point in blaming God or
accusing him  for the misfortunes that befall us The story of Job may be an
illusive example that God puts us to fiery test to purify and strenghten
our faith.As humans, we try to seek answers to our unending questions but
in vain
The question why does it happen to me and now  will be clear, if only we
see objectively around us how others are worst placed than us and for no
faults of their own that can be recounted
A family has lost the only bread winner or only son and child.A little
further you will realise the couple have  no biogical issue but adopted
child has betrayed their trust A new born child is motherless at
birth.Another is paralyzed and becomes invalid in a accident while many
others are miraculously saved from jaws of dearh.  .In many homes children
are born with diseases with no hope for cure and are thus a burdened  for
life. Many are born with physical defects  that make life difficult.  One
may  have lost husband, son and daughter and is roaming aimlessly without a
ray of hope. A child has lost both parents at a very young age. A person
has lost all his material wealth and all his possesion including loved
ones.For many life is a drudgery , stricken with poverty and aggravated by
ill health.How do we imagine the plight of blind, deaf  dumb and mentally
Can we understand sufferings of  those afflicted with incurable disease and
praying for the  end?
Parents,   orphans others are confined and languishing in hospitals, home
for aged  cursing   their destiny.
So many have no shelter over their heads, access to drinking water,  food
and clothing or even employment opportunity and are drifting in the ocean
of storm of want  and yet we complain  inspite of being blessed and better
If we continue to wallow  in our own pains without observing others within
our view and vicinity, we are bound to conclude that we are selected to be
inflicted  with torture in journey of life
The consolation is not that everyone has a cross,but that we must  have the
determination  and courage to live and adjust without self pity and
apportioning  blame.We must seek opportunity to reduce the pain of others
by not exaggerating our own in a selfish way only looking inwards
LIVING for others is one  sure way ti enhance  our worth and provides
endless joy for being of use to others to lessen their burdens.Remember
Simon helped Jesus and reduced the burden of weight  to carry the cross
Sharing our pains and sorrows not only  makes it bearable but opens our
eyes to reality  that we are not alone destined to suffer
Suffering often increases our happiness and makes us strong in spirit and
Resign to the enevitable praising God like Job in the Bible  also in
misfortunes Every suffering cannot be assigned to the will of God as also
events of joy and happiness The answer to any of our sufferings  and
happiness does not lie in philosophy ,Theology,  curse. Retribution and it
is futile to seek cause and effect relations. I take comfort   that there
is no one  answer  as to  why but to accept gracefully and move forward

Nelson Lopes

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