Pope  has ordained years ago, crucifixion scene not to enact
The ghastly reminder  truly  a historical fact
Today  Catholics  no more  glorify   death on the cross
Resurrection is greatest  celebrations,  replicas  adorning  homes world

Why did  Jesus suffer ignomious  crucifixion as a man
For  our  salvation to  fulfill  a Divine plan
The prophets  in advance announced  and foretold
Events from birth to death in scriptures came true,  behold

An innocent man  falsely sentenced to death by demand
Pilot washed  his hands, absolved  himself  goodwill to command
Jesus never uttered a word in  self defense
A sentence by public demand for no cruxifixion  offense

Humiliating acts, insults accusations  in the process heaped
Faitful followers in  fear and silence weeped
Stumbled thrice ,  fell with weight of the cross
Simon rescued Jesus in last journey  to carry it across

Jesus wiped  his face left   imprint on the  handkerchief
Pharises ,crowds released Barabas in a planned , treacherous  mischief
Jesus with two  condemned thieves on the cross nailed
One professed remorse  in humility and  forgiveness availed

Centurion to check pierced his side
Cured of his blindness escaped in fear on  a horse ride
 As  Jesus lamented , moaned  was   deliberately  abused
Swab of vinegar to quench his  thirst refused

As he cried,   was mocked to come down,  if God and  show
Forgive them he prayed  for acts  they  do not know
Then he bowed ,  breathed his last
Earth trembled .dead rose  sun at noon darkness cast

As  was  predicted his legs were  not broken
His garments too auctioned as in scriptures spoken
Fearing his resurrection  as prophesised on third day.
The tomb was guarded  heavily secured in everyway

  Resurrection alone  to  be proclaimed and celebrated
Death to evoke emphaty  no  more to be exaggerated
Crucifixion is related,true historical past
Resurrection  is the crown, hope and promise to last

Resurrection of Jesus  a new  life to be believe
A  reward of eternal  life our doubts relieve
The truth of facts and sightings  none can deny
His promise and reward faithful absolutely rely

No prophet , any God  from death till now did rise
BVM  in  appirations repent pray and mend ways does advise
His teachings, commandments,  are always  relevant  and remind
Only Christ raised the dead  cured lepers .helped lame to walk and gave
sight to blind

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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