Filling the void
The first in your life to fill the void
The lasting memories  hard to avoid
 Something special  that  you loved so much
Yearn  to recall   affectionately   that loving touch

However fleeting the memory did last
The impressions linger on as  adorable  past
The  future  plans  remained an   ardent desire
Accepted imperfections and blindly  continued to admire

Past chapter   ignored  being   loveable  and kind
 Truth and reality  of friendship loath to find
Concerns and caring  traits always remind
Destiny and circumstances  best  laid behind

The  hindrances, support  and obstructions from start.
Weight of differences, stress impaced the  fragile  heart
Social pressures,cast implications  tore bonds apart
Unpleasant  decisions,  choices  forced to depart

The destination to journey though far yet  seemed so near
As independent individuals freedom to decide was cleari
Inspite of valiant efforts idea riddled with fear.
A hopeful celebration postponed year after year

Unfortunate as lady luck did not smile separate paths did choose
God's blessings of prosperous life nothing to loose
A curse or punishment  no fruits of love   to cherish
With a broken heart, lonely unfulfilled  you perish

No jealousy; envy ,hatred  engulfed   ever
The thread of  good friendship  snapped never
Intimate closeness  of dreams was surely  broken
Harsh ,hurting, insulting  words  never spoken

Proud and happy  of  own  cocoon   and happy nest
Recalling fond memories always  remained  the quest
Unfair Unjust to compare or imagine  a curse
Happy moments to nurse  ,
wealthy  loaded mind is the purse

As the situation is observed from a distant far
Shining brightly in dark sky  one amongst luminous  star
Relations in life and death never will be same again
Hopes of restoring  earthly relations are in vain

Nelson Lopes Chinchin

Nelson Lopes

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