The rising Crime in the State of Goa is a matter of concern. No fear of the
law is a reason why the state of Goa is moving towards lawlessness. These
crime levels will only proliferate unless the nexus between politicians and
criminals is uprooted.

It is common to see politicians moving around with shady characters having
a criminal record. All this must stop so that the criminals are exposed and
not given credibility and acceptance in public life or a false sense of
security for the public.

If a person with a criminal record is not qualified to even be a sweeper,
it is ironic that those with a gory criminal history are allowed to contest
elections and go on to becoming MLAs and even Ministers. The one law that
is urgently required to be in place is the one that bars a person with a
criminal record or outstanding criminal cases, contesting any election to a
public office. This will clear the cess pit and sanitise our now soiled
political turf.

Very laughable is Goa Government’s latest decision to assign special
stickers to the vehicles of tourists coming to Goa to ensure their
hassle-free movement in the State. Does this government need to be told
that it has failed to even properly implement its special stickers for the
vehicles of our 40 MLAs. Those stickers landed in the hands of all and
sundry with even history sheeters merrily affixing them on their vehicles.

Without zero tolerance to corruption at all levels and a single minded
determination to root out, arrest and convict criminals without any fear or
favour the crime rate will continue to escalate to the detriment of the

Adv. Aires Rodrigues

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012


You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues



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