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From: Pushpa Iyengar <pilma...@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 9:05 AM
Subject: Goa CM's Rs 32.68-Crore Advertising Largesse Ensures He’s in Firm
Control of Media
To: Pushpa Iyengar <pilma...@gmail.com>, Lionel Messias <

Goa CM's Rs 32.68-Crore Advertising Largesse Ensures He’s in Firm Control
of Media

Pramod Sawant's bloated budget has helped sugar-coat media coverage around
his person and leadership. Recently, the Goa edition of Lokmat ran over 14
pages of his birthday ads
[image: Goa CM's Rs 32.68-Crore Advertising Largesse Ensures He’s in Firm
Control of Media]

Pramod Sawant. Photo: Twitter/@DrPramodPSawant
[image: Devika Sequeira]
Devika Sequeira <https://thewire.in/author/devi>

Panjim: Goa chief minister Pramod Sawant turned 50 on April 24. The
personal milestone fetched him “special” interviews in almost all the local
newspapers with some exceptions.

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In the English daily *O Heraldo*, Sawant’s birthday interview made it to
the top of page one, as it did in the Marathi newspaper *Navprabha*.

Preceded by full-page ads that glorified him to almost cult status à la
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the chief minister’s golden anniversary
interview found space on page three in the *Navhind Times* and *Lokmat.*

The Goa edition of *Lokmat *scored over 14 pages of Sawant’s birthday ads –
there were six full-pagers in *Pudhari* – gushing in fawning admiration for
the once backbencher BJP MLA
has quickly picked up the art of self-projection and media management.

Goa’s print media were not the only ones obsequiously falling in line to
cover the non-news event of a politician’s birthday. Homegrown digital
players, most of which exist only on social media, went a step further to
provide live feed of Sawant cutting his birthday cake at his home in

The “enterprising” *Goa News Hub* even managed an “exclusive” interview
with the chief minister’s father, Pandurang Sawant who welled up over his
son’s childhood and his unlikely climb to the top after the former defence
minister Manohar Parrikar’s death in March of 2019.

Till last year, *O Heraldo* which claims to be “the largest selling English
daily” in Goa, had hitched its media group to almost exclusively promote
Mamata Banerjee’s Trinamool Congress party in the state’s February 2022
legislative assembly election

When that partnership sank with the TMC’s zero score in the Goa election,
the newspaper did not hold back its punches. With stinging and
editorialised reporting it blamed TMC for not holding its end of the
bargain and for “forcing” Luizinho Faleiro to give up his Rajya Sabha seat.
Faleiro who had moved from the Congress to TMC in September 2021 with an
eye on the Goa February 2022 election was elected to the Rajya Sabha in
November 2021 from a seat vacated by a TMC MP.

Goa’s print and broadcast media have a long-standing reputation for
peddling  promotional content as “news” with little compunction,
particularly during elections. The regional media’s notoriety as purveyors
of “paid news” has found a smart investor in the chief minister who is
proving to be far more hard-nosed and wily than his critics had given him
credit for.

While the Union government has cut down drastically on its media
advertising expenditure
the last few years, with most legacy media brought to heel, Sawant has
given himself a bloated budget to sugar-coat media coverage around his
person and leadership.

Between April 2020 to February of this year, the Goa government spent over
Rs 32.68 crore on advertisements to media organisations big and small,
according to documents tabled in the state’s legislative assembly on March
27, 2023.

In response to a question from Aam Aadmi Party MLA Venzy Viegas, Sawant
said no agency had been appointed to “publicise” government schemes, but
this was being done directly through government ads released by the state’s
department of information and publicity (DIP), which of course is one of
the chief minister’s portfolios.

Also read: India’s Overt and Covert Chilling of Press Freedom

Among the big ticket beneficiaries of the government’s media ad spends are *The
Goan* group which cornered a bonanza of Rs 5.15 crore over the last three
years, the *Navhind Times* group which got Rs 3.17 crore, the *Sakal-*owned
*Gomantak *group (Rs 2.67 crore), *Tarun Bharat* (Rs 2.58 crore), *O
Heraldo* group (Rs 2.2 crore), *Lokmat *(Rs 2.26 crore), *Pudhar*i (Rs 1.83
crore), *Times of India* (Rs 1.48 crore) and *Republic Media* (Rs 1.19

Sawant’s publicity splurge also extended to those with connections to the
BJP and Sangh-affiliated publishing houses. Mirchi Republic Media
Productions an events management company run by one Bansi Balbhim Khedekar
got Rs Rs 3.31 cr in ad support as a “radio agency”.

Among the Sangh publications, Bharat Prakashan, which brings out *Organiser*
 and *Panchjanya*, and Kovai Media which publishes *Swarajya* and a handful
of others got Goa government ads worth over Rs 1 crore collectively. Even
the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) souvenir managed a generous
Rs 10 lakh.

While hardline right-wing publications like *Sanatan Prabhat* (which got Rs
21.64 lakh) have been generously supported by Pramod Sawant, India’s public
broadcaster Prasar Bharati got a paltry Rs 5,310 in Goa government ads.

Can any media largely dependent on government advertising as a revenue
stream remain truly independent?

Raju Nayak, editor and director of the Marathi daily *Dainik Gomantak* which
also claims the largest circulation in the state, denies there’s a quid pro
quo for the government’s advertising support. It has in no way influenced
his group’s policy or bent coverage for the Pramod Sawant government, he

*Dainik Gomantak* does produce some hard-hitting stories, more than most
other vernacular dailies. It also runs a sometime biting segment on *Gomantak
TV.* Nayak says for 35 years he has focused on environment issues,
specifically the damage inflicted by the mining lobby on Goa. “My concern
is to save Goa for Goans. As one of the leading papers, there’s no way the
government can ignore us for ads.”

Also read: Paid News, Ads and the Question of Priorities in Non-English
Indian Journalism

That clearly is not the case with *The Goan* group which has been favoured
with the largest package of government ad revenue. Owned by the Timblo’s
mining company Sociedade de Fomento, Fomento Media and Prudent Media run
the English daily *The Goan Everyday*, the Marathi *Goan Varta*, *Goan
Varta Live, Bhaangarbhuin*, *Konkan Saad *and* Prudent TV.* Though
authentic figures are hard to come by, newspaper distributors peg the
Konkani daily *Bhaangarbhuin’s* circulation at just a couple of hundreds,
which hardly makes it a pragmatic choice for advertisers. Yet
*Bhaangarbhuin *alone got Rs 1.32 crore in ads from the government, enough
to sustain staff and offices owned by a cash rich mining firm that can well
afford to pay for its own.

An MLA who did not wish to be identified says Sawant’s advertising
generosity is creating “an unholy nexus between the government and the
fourth estate in Goa, with the media becoming increasingly subservient to
the official narrative”. His comment is not far from the truth. The Goa
edition of one of India’s largest newspapers gave Pramod Sawant’s March 30
budget a four-page government-friendly splash, with no critical analysis to
speak of.

In a small state like Goa, small players in the media pool also count to
amplify the message. Over the last few days a host of local channels have
persistently replayed Goa BJP president Sadanand Tanawade’s claim that the
saffron party will win both the Lok Sabha seats in Goa next year.

Little wonder the Sawant government spent over a crore rupees plus in
advertising support to sustain them. *In Goa TV* for instance got nearly Rs
56 lakh, *RDX Goa* Rs 46.5 lakh, *Prime TV* Rs 39.7 lakh and *Daily Scoops
Media* Rs 10.32 lakh.

The lifestyle *Viva Goa *magazine which has carried Sawant thrice on its
cover got government ads worth over Rs 25 lakh in three years. It also got
a government contract of Rs 80 lakh for its hoarding business under M/S

*When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know.  But if you
listen, you may learn something new.*
* - Dalai Lama   *

Lionel Messias
*Goanspirit, Goa's Spirited Online Fortnightly Magazine.*

Worked for the best:
Goa Today, Gomantak Times, Herald, Mid-Day, The Pioneer,
Indian Express (Bangalore), Economic Times (Chennai, Hyderabad),
Newstime (Hyderabad), Gulf News (Hyderabad)

125-E, Bellem, Velsao,
P.O. Cansaulim,
Goa 403712

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