I have noticed much apathy amongst GOANS in GOA, though Fred is a very dynamic 
guy with a tremendous track record.

SALIGAO is one of the Top Villages 

And it’s a good life there.

Whilst I tend to live on the coastal belt 
And love πŸ’• CANDOLIM,

And the BEACH πŸ– … our top GOANS in GOA seem to have a sceptical view towards 

I personally have NEVER received much positive encouragement 

COVID PANDEMIC and recession has brought our GOANS down to reality 

The DIASPORA send money πŸ’° home 

> On 30 Jun 2023, at 01:07, Gilbert Lawrence <> wrote:
> ο»Ώ
> I saw the u-tube video on this topic with great interest.  There was more 
> heat than light! I do not still understand the messages and points of the 
> arguments.
> Goans have been migrating in and out of Goa since even before the Portuguese 
> arrived. They migrated during the Portuguese era and even after they left. 
> Throughout all these periods, the most frequent cause for migration is 
> personal economic improvement.  The other factors are wars, famines, 
> pestilences. These causative factors were active even during the inquisition. 
>  During this period the rulers of Ikkeri and Keladi in Kanara were offering 
> Goans land to settle and cultivate. 
> Because an event (s) occurred during the inquisition, it does not mean the 
> inquisition caused it. Just like because one leaves Goa today, the Goa or the 
> Indian governments did not cause it. 
> While some Goans use the Portuguese passport as an entry to UK and EU; 
> several Goans and other Indians use the Mideast as an entry to Canada, 
> Australia and USA.
> Tens of thousands of people left Goa in the last two decades for the same 
> reasons millions left post-independent India to settle in the West. The 
> moderator claimed he would address this issue later but never did.  
> The reasons why people in a village respect a family with a relative abroad 
> (as claimed by a panelist) is because experience shows the diaspora relative 
> sooner or later elevates the socio-economic standards of the family. 
> For more information, please read our book - includes several chapters about 
> diasporas.  Please forward this post to the panelists in the presentation. 
> Best wishes
> Gilbert Lawrence
> Co-author: Insights into Colonial Goa
> Published by Amazon and Kindle as paperback and e-book.
> Available in India, Europe, Australia, Japan and USA
> Goan - whose father migrated to Bombay, and then I left for England and then 
> USA; with every step being a career move. 
> ----------
> From: Frederick Noronha <>
> Portugal, Goan gateway to the West?

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