Petrol destroys  meat in refrigerator  at chinchinim  outlet

The owner  a muslim had stocked  requirements for Eid festival  on orders
The locks were broken , CCTV disabled and around 60 kg of beef rendered
unfit for consumption .The motive Is a mystery The owner enjoys good
relations  in the neighborhood and a mild affable person .Two other stalls
sell beef , one blongs  to his close relatives. Over .the years their
disputes about outlet  have been settled, as both have flourishing
independent outlets.Enmity  , professional  jealousies , business rivalry
are farfetched. The disgruntled employess involvement  is a point for
consideration. In the past same row of shops were burgled  tampering  the
tiled  low roof . The dastardly  act is pure vengeance  of deep seated
revenge and is unprecedented  and shocking.Is it a planned  act of
sabotage  to stoke  riots between peaceful communities  is an angle
deserving  serious consideration  .The friendly  owner  rubbing the
customers  on the wrong  side is  extremely remote.The Chinchinim villagers
are angry and united to resist  at any attempt  of communalisation of the
incident Infact  Villagers, institutions ., regular customers by and large
have emphatised with the owner and have extended  moral support .The
mystery behind the motive is baffling as the vandalism does not appear to
be an act of deranged  mind and meticulously  planned , executed to  cause
alarm and damage
The investigations agency may not have  direct clues but the case needs to
be  pursued meticulously to unearth  the motive  however long  it takes.The
outlet is serving a useful   purpose to the customers and fanatical fringe
elements could be involveled to dictate  food choices  of predominantly
 catholic community as Muslims and Hindus though sparce  have always
maintained balance of Communal harmony  The place of worship in the garden
is a shining example of this proof
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim
Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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