Criminalization of politics
It was a  highly speculative  topic But now documented statistics leaves no
doubt.Nearly 48% of politicians in lokh and Raja Sabha have criminal
records Serious cases of rape and murder  charges that entails 5 years jail
term These belong to all parties across political spectrum and holier than
thou attitude  is wishfulthinking.The election commission expresses
helplessness to take action.The political parties put the onus on voters
who elect them It is found that those with criminal records have money to
splurge Such candidates have greater chances of winabilty  compared to
those who are honest  Hence there is a positive correlation between finance
and criminality  The records across states and local bodies are not
avaiable .Hence has Indian politicians have descended in a cess pool of
corruption and criminality to flout their  credence?  The proposal for
speedy disposal of cases within a year is worthy of consideration.  The
parties should recall such errant politicians and be suspended or debarred
immeduately Briz Bhusan example  of wrestling federation is a case in point
where the party is dragging feet by  deafening silence .We'll when all is
said and done as one is innocent in the eyes of law   unless proven
guilty. Poltical pressures are visible to indirectly subvert the truth
Is their a way out for voters against these criminal goons mascarading as
social workers The situation is going from bad to worse and relief is not
expected soon of clean politics
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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