First of all, I don’t read Goanet anymore and only come here for the
very occasional post. For years it has become an echo chamber for
anti-Hindu rants (disguised, of course), all of them low-IQ. I reached
a point where I couldn’t motivate myself to stay on, even in my usual
post-only mode.

I haven’t followed the Fr. Bolmax brouhaha in detail but have
familiarized myself with the general theme. My take:

- Fr. Bolmax has every right to express his views on Shivaji or black
hole thermodynamics. It is a right that must be affirmed and supported
by all sensible citizens.

- Whether it is appropriate for Fr. Bolmax to utter these views and
opinions from the pulpit is for his flock and/or church authorities to
decide. As a non-Catholic, it is none of my business so long as the
speech concerned is lawful (that is, does not call for violence,
unrest, and speech that Indian law explicitly prohibits). Nothing in
Fr. Bolmax’s utterances was outside the ambit of lawful speech, so far
as I can tell.

- “Hurt feelings” is a bs criterion. In a free society we must be
prepared for speech that may not be pleasant to our ears, speech that
may tear down our icons and idols, even religious ones. “Hurt
feelings” is not grounds for arresting anyone. Stop being such
delicate weenies. You have the freedom, too, to respond with your own

- As a rightwing Hindu fundamentalist, Hindutva-vadi,
patriarchy-loving, and bamon, I hold Shivaji in the highest regard. He
valiantly fought for and defended Hindu civilization against
barbarians that wanted to destroy it. He was also among the first to
enunciate the idea of Swaraj, later clarified and amplified
effectively by Lokmanya Tilak.

- If you do not share my own estimation of Shivaji Maharaj, fine. You
are entitled to your views.

In summary: Leave Fr. Bolmax alone. He shouldn't have to even apologise.



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