Who lost rather than who won ?

 It was forgone  conclusion that with brute majority BJP   will sail
through comfortably . The debate on Manipur was relegated by diversions and
best of arguments would not in any way change the outcome of blame game .To
that extent  it is Manipur  that lost.and India  too as a country. MANIPUR
has made our head bow in shame in the commity of Nations The questions
about silence of PM  is disgusting .  He has not even paid a courtessy vist
while it may be interesting to know which countries of the world  he has
yet to visit .The burning of Manipur over 77 days and more, attrocities
against women ,   gang  rapes , parading naked  ,  murders,   genocides,
burning of houses, looting of armory, brutal attack on MLA  displacement of
population , no FIR or arrests  but only after uproar , failure of para
military and army even after visit of HM   have not received answers
,forget about apology or  moral acceptance .The dismissal of the CM and
imposition of President rule would have been the natural course  .So where
was the debate on these issues, including restoration of peace, normalcy
and rehabilitation  .For all that we know the situation is fluid  with
illusive calm  and trouble is brewing waiting to explode.
The question Modi V/S who.Indian democracy is not Presidential form to
raise that bogey.Election is after  post election by consensus . Rahul
Gandhi   with his Bharat jodho  Yatra  has demonstrated his organizational
skills and ability to galvanize the masses on a  historical unprecedented
scale   whether BJP likes it or not.The defamation drama failed to ring in
the tiger in his den  MASSES have been galvanised not necessaraily  with
eye on political gains..The comparison with Rahul and Modi is akin to David
and Goliath  except for the final outcome. Attributing  motives to Rahul is
plain hogwash. He has voluntarily resigned after his failure as President
and refused to reconsider .Will
MODI resign after disgraceful defeat In Karnataka or at least owe moral
responsibility after investing the might of BJP? ..Rahul has also refused
to accept Ministerial post even though Manmohan Singh declared openly that
he is holding the position of PM  to vacate  on willingness  of Rahul
Gandhi. .His ability to be outspoken  fearlessly  is no attribute to aspire
for PM post nor does  the opposition supporting his leadership claim .
It is BJP fictional  strategy to challenge him.  to a duel .
The debate on Manipur never happened in principle but the ocassion was used
to to vex eloquent on failures of Congress and its leaders
The change must happen for the good of democracy and independence  and that
is now a raging cry of the masses .Who won the debate , it is BJP  with
absolute majority and in  a significant protest the opposition staged a
walk out a snub to the ruling party

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim
Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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