Teacher MILDRED  lives on

Mrs Mildred Josephina Teotonia Fernandes  affectionately known as Mildred
, relict of Lucio  ,resident of Godeaband, Velim was  born on 18.02 .1940
and  passed away peacefully on 11.8.2023.
She was an excellent  educator at St Joseph Convent ,Nagpur  and retired
 with honours from St Xaviers H..S Velim with  the job well done. She was
my colleague at Velim for 6 years.Adored, admired and loved teacher
,endeared to all.She has engraved indelible  memories in  the hearts and
minds of parents, students,  and colleagues.A devoted and consciencious
teacher was faithful to her profession .She was busy and prompt  with
regular work of corrections and  responded passionately  to her duties
both  curricular and Co  cicurricular.  She was punctual,  efficient ,
methodical,  loved what she did and did what she loved No wonder the
colleagues , authorities  and everyone else   treated her with highest
 Her honesty,  sincerity, trustworthiness  convinced me to handover  to her
Rs 27000 =  of the  School Fund painfully collected by activities over 6
years   for student's welfare.She was very  much a  respected teacher in
the Village  and was held in great esteem.She had the patience and
perseverance to draw out the best in every student and her personal,
private coaching was much appreciated. Most of the past students fondly
remembered  her and  often paid courtesy visits  of gratitude which
delighted her
She had fair share of crosses in her  life. She offered to God and carried
in in  his   footsteps   without blames or complains . She bravely faced
insults, indifferences, humiliations retaliating with smiles  under the
cloak of  deafening silence  .After passing away of her husband and failing
health problems , she mustered courage to battle with situations as best as
she could. Ocassional visits to her  daughter Christine  was a much needed
break for rejuvenation  that assured  solace of comfort , but she desired
to return quickly with concerns for her adorable son Avelino  to whom she
was fondly attached .She spoke lovingly of her caring grandchildren.Her
spirituality,  values  compassion  are imbibed by her children Fr Agnelo,
Sr. ,Olinda & Sr. Ophelia .She is legitimately  proud of this spiritual
blessings and thanked God  for  gifts of their vocations  and her precious
treasures  .She was gracious and magnanimous with her resources and lived a
contended life free from greed and desires not  craving for  more than
She was one of my best colleagues from  among ten schools , humble and
respectful.It is  a memorable feeling that not one year she forgot to greet
me on my birthday .As she was finding difficult to maitain her relations ,
I presented her a  pack of cards with stamps. A surprised visit to be an
unsolicitated benefactor of Trust   and at other times to keep the
relations warm .She was more than fair,  sacrificing her legitimate rights
and grievances to maitain  a balance of healthy  relations which should not
confused with her mild nature or weakness.She fulfilled her duties and
accomplished her mission to the best of her abilities both regards  her
profession and devotion to the   family .She richly deserves the title of
excellent educator and a crown of glory   for being a humane person
transcending boundaries of understanding and accomodation I am humbled by
her  humility  and had the pleasure  of visiting  a wonderful person  in.my
collection of men , matters and moments
Nelson Lopes
Nelson Lopes
Nelson Lopes

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