Aug 13

Cheetahs have been on my mind, and I suspect I speak for a lot of people.
India imported several cheetahs from Namibia and South Africa starting a
year ago, in an effort to regenerate an Indian population of these
exquisite animals. Sadly, six have died, as also three cubs born here
earlier this year.

Hummingbirds, I would venture to say, are always on my mind.

Anyway, the physical strain these two creatures put on their bodies
routinely always puzzles me. Hummingbirds beat their wings incredibly fast;
cheetahs run incredibly fast, if for short spells. How they do it is one
question worth asking. But I also ran across humminbird research suggesting
that some species have evolved ways to avoid some of this extreme physical
exertion. And those species have evolved generally shorter beaks.

Intrigued, like I was? Take a look: Birds, cats and evolution's way,



Birds, cats and the way of evolution

Something has always intrigued me about cheetahs and hummingbirds. No, it
isn't as if I sit here all day wracking my brains over both gorgeous
animals. But every now and then, I do. Like when I began writing this, when
there came news of a seventh death among the cheetahs we imported from
Africa last year.

Tragedy aside, this is what I wonder about cheetahs and hummingbirds: how
do these animals sustain the exertions they put their bodies through?

Take the cheetah, first. It's a beautiful animal no doubt, but it's also
one of the fastest on the planet.

How do we know this? As far back as 1965, a tame cheetah in Kenya was
trained to run behind a moving car. Well, the car had a piece of meat tied
to its back as an incentive for the animal. Over three such runs, she
averaged 102.5 kmph. That remains the fastest speed ever recorded by a land

In the wild, cheetahs don't necessarily have to go quite that fast, for
their prey is usually slower than they are. But for me, the interesting
question is not about that remarkable speed, but how, and how long, the
cheetah can sustain it. After all, even the best conditioned human athletes
can maintain a flat-out sprint for no more than about 30 seconds. World
sprint records tell that story: among men, the 100m record is 9.58 seconds
and the 200m, 19.19 seconds - just about twice the 100m record. So
top-flight athletes can sprint at their fastest for at least 200m. But the
400m? 43.03 seconds, which is well over twice as long as for the 200m.
That's already a sign that over distances longer than 200m, athletes can't
do a full sprint. Instead, they must pace themselves.

What about the cheetah? Well, about the same maximum time for a flat-out
sprint: 30 seconds. In that time, at its top speed of about 100kmph, a
cheetah can cover a few hundred metres. Any more, and its heart - pumping
at about 250 beats per minute (bpm) by then - will probably buckle under
the strain. Of course, often enough a cheetah will catch up with its prey
within 30 seconds. But if it doesn't, the big cat will have to give up the
chase and take a rest, let its beating heart slow down to its normal
resting rate of about 120bpm.

What about hummingbirds, then? They don't run, of course, so what is the
connection to cheetahs?

Their exertions and metabolism, that's what. There are times - freezing
nights when there's nothing to be gained by flying about - when these
little creatures become semi-comatose. In that state, their pulse rate can
be as low as 75 beats per minute, comparable to a healthy human being at
rest. But when they are flying from flower to flower during the day, that
rate can rise to over 1200 bpm.

Why so? Consider what the hummingbird is doing as it flies - flapping its
wings frenetically. That makes enormous energy demands on the bird.
Besides, being so small means it loses body heat faster than larger
animals, more quickly using up the oxygen in its blood. So just to keep up
the oxygen supply, a hummingbird's heart has to pump faster than in other
birds. The heart has also evolved to be larger in relation to the bird's
body than in other animals: about 2.5% of its body weight, compared to
about 0.3% for humans.

All due to beating wings. In normal flight, hummingbirds average about 50
wing beats per second (bps). That's already too fast for the human eye to
see. But with some of these birds, there are times when that can rise to 80
bps. If you do the arithmetic, that's one beat of the heart for every four
beats of the wings.

Naturally, like with cheetahs breaking into a full-tilt sprint, this rapid
wing action cannot sustain beyond a certain length of time. I don't have an
idea of how long that is. But even though we know of hummingbirds from
their hovering and flitting from flower to flower, we also know that they
spend a large part of the day at rest, perched somewhere.

Still, the bird's hover uses up calories at a fearsome rate. Those calories
must be replenished. This is why hummingbirds flit about so much, dipping
their beaks into flowers to sip nectar. Ornithologists believe they have to
consume nearly their full body weight in nectar each day simply to survive.
(By comparison, the average human eats about 2kg per day - only about 3% of
her body weight.)

It's obvious, then, that some hummingbirds will seek to reduce the need to
hover quite as much while extracting nectar: more bang for the buck, if you
like. How do they do that? By finding ways to perch. Indeed: there are some
species of hummingbirds that have evolved to cling to a twig or a
neighbouring flower. Clinging like that, they can sip on nectar without
beating their wings, thus saving themselves for later, more energetic

But evolved how? These species have bigger feet than other hummingbird
species. On those feet, there's a more developed innermost ("hallux") claw
than other species have. That claw acts almost like a thumb does for us,
allowing for a more secure grip on a perch.

And something in all this speaks even more of evolution. A team of
scientists found that these clinging hummingbird species, with their bigger
feet, have generally shorter beaks than those who hover more. ("Repeated
evolution of unorthodox feeding styles drives a negative correlation
between foot size and bill length in hummingbirds", The American

Why would that be? Partly because a long beak can get in the way while
perching, in ways it would not while hovering. But also because from their
perch, these birds don't need to insert their beaks all the way to the
bottom of the flower to get at its nectar. Instead, they can poke through
the base and directly slurp up the sweet stuff they find there.

Evolution: full of enduring mystery. I'll leave you wonder why cheetahs
have evolved those black lines running down from their eyes.

My book with Joy Ma: "The Deoliwallahs"
Twitter: @DeathEndsFun
Death Ends Fun:

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